Tuesday 12 February 2013

Class VIII

Prescribed by the National Curriculum & Textbook Board
as a Textbook for Class Eight from the academic year 2013
Class Eight
M S Hoque
Yasmin Banu
Surajit Roy Majumder
Md Abdur Razzaque
Naina Shahzadi
Nargis Akhter Banu
Abdus Subhan
National Curriculum and Textbook Board, Dhaka.
Published by
National Curriculum & Textbook Board
69-70, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka
[All rights reserved by the Publisher]
Trial Edition
First Publication : September, 2012
Mohammad Humayun Kabir
Computer Compose
Perform Color Graphics (Pvt.) Ltd
Sudarshan Bachar
Sujaul Abedeen
Ujjal Ghose
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
For free distribution from academic year 2010 by the Government of Bangladesh
Printed by :
Professor Md. Mostafa Kamaluddin
National Curriculum and Textbook Board
The secondary curriculum has been revised in the light of National Education Policy
2010, which emphasises learning English as an international language for
communicating locally and globally. The 'English For Today' textbooks have been
developed to help students attain competency in all four language skills, i.e. listening,
speaking, reading and writing.
The development of curriculum, syllabus and textbook is a continuous process. In
continuation of it, this book has been developed and rationally evaluated by a group of
experts, which included curriculum specialists, subject specialists, teacher trainers and
classroom teachers. The contents and illustrations of this book have been developed in
order to suit the learners' age and cognitive level. In this book effective communicative
approach and techniques integrated with existing traditional methods have been
introduced. The book emphasizes practicing language skills through a variety of
meaningful and enjoyable activities.
The publication of teacher's guide is under process. The teacher's guide will help the
teachers to plan the lessons more effectively and teach the students communicatively
through teaching learning activities.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to the curriculum developers, writers, illustrators and
coordinator who worked under tremendous time constraints. Without their sincerity,
commitment and hard work, it would not have been possible for NCTB to develop the
English textbook 'English For Today', making it available to teachers and students all
over the country by january 2013. As the textbook was developed within a very
limited time, there is room for further development. Attempts have been made to make
the book free from errors as far as possible. Any constructive suggestions for the
improvement of the textbook will be welcomed and incorporated in future editions.
I also sincerely thank all involved in the production and publication of this textbook. If
this book is used properly, the textbook will no doubt facilitate learning English at the
desired level.
Table of contents
Unit Topic Page
Unit 1 Going on a foreign trip 1-17
Unit 2 Food and nutrition 18-25
Unit 3 Health and hygiene 26-41
Unit 4 Check your reference 42-51
Unit 5 Making a difference 52-66
Unit 6 A glimpse of our culture 67-75
Unit 7 Different people, different occupations 76-85
Unit 8 News! News! News! 86-101
Unit 9 Things that have changed our life 102-120
Unit One
Going on a foreign trip
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
listen for information
􀀀 listen to and follow announcements
read and understand texts
􀀀 ask and answer questions
􀀀 write answers to questions
􀀀 write the main ideas
Lesson 1: At the airport
Key words: lounge immigration
A Look at the picture and talk about it.
1 What do you see?
2 Can you guess where it could be?
3 Who are the people in the picture?
4 What could be their relationship?
B Now read the text and find out if your guesses are correct.
Zara lives with her parents in London. They have come to Bangladesh to visit Zara’s
aunt and uncle. She is very close to her cousin Mita. Both the families have visited
many interesting places together in Bangladesh. It was a great fun. Then they decided
that they would visit some places outside Bangladesh too. They decided to go to
Thailand. But Mita’s parents were too busy with their work, so they could not go.
However, Mita was going with them.
Mita, Zara and her parents are at Hajrat Shahjalal International Airport. They are
waiting in the lounge. Mita is very excited. This is her first time to board a plane.
They are flying by Bangladesh Biman. Mita is hoping to have a great time in
2 English For Today
As they wait, the two cousins start planning what they would do once they reach
Bangkok. Mita’s uncle brings forms for all of them to fill in before going through the
immigration. He gives one to Mita and says, “You have to give some information
about yourself in the form. The immigration officer will check your passport and
stamp it. And then you are ready to travel.” Mita, Zara and her parents start filling in
the forms.
C Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Why is Mita excited?
2 Why aren’t Mita’s parents going with her?
3 What does an immigration officer do at the airport?
D Write a short composition about your experience of travelling to another
place. It could be going to your grandparents’/aunt’s/sister’s/brother’s house.
Write about your preparation before travelling, your experience on the way,
e.g. launch terminal, railway/bus station, airport, etc.
Lesson 2: Filling in a form
Key words : expire renew visa valid
A Read the card and discuss in pairs.
Going on a foreign trip 3
B Now read the text about Mita, and fill in the departure card in section A on
her behalf.
Mita’s full name is Mita Sultana Ahmed. She was born on 6 May 1998. She got her
passport on July 09, 2010. It’s a five - year passport. It will expire on 8 June 2015.
After that she has to renew her passport. Her passport number is AB 9842251. She is
going to Thailand by Bangladesh Biman, flight number BG 88 on 14 July 2012.
Mita got her visa from the Royal Thai Embassy in Dhaka. Her visa number is T
9115138. The visa was issued in Dhaka on 29 June 2012. The visa is valid for three
months. It will expire on September 27, 2012. It is a tourist visa. If you are travelling
on a tourist visa, you are not allowed to study or work there.
C Imagine you are travelling to a foreign country. Copy the form in A and fill in
with your own information. If you have a passport, use information from it.
If you do not have a passport, make your imaginary passport with visa
number and expiry date, passport number, date of travel, etc.
D Work in pairs. If you have a passport, tell your partner when you got it and
which country/countries you have already visited. If you do not have a
passport, would you like to have one? Why?
Lesson 3 : Going through immigration
Key words : departure booth counter scan machine readable
A Look at the pictures and discuss in pairs.
1 2
4 English For Today
1 Why does a person need a passport?
2 What are those booths for?
3 Why are people standing in a line in front of them?
4 What are the persons doing inside the booth?
B Read the text and answer the questions.
Zara's parents Mrs Jhuma Islam, Mr Mazharul Islam, Zara and Mita, fill in their
departure cards and move towards the immigration counter. Mita stands in front of
one of the booths. She hands in her passport and the departure card to the officer. The
immigration officer goes through Mita's passport, visa and the departure card. "Are
you travelling alone?" asks the officer. "No. I'm going with my aunt, uncle and
cousin," says Mita.
"They are right there on that counter."
"Is this your first visit to Thailand?"
"How long are you going to stay there?"
"Seven to ten days."
"Where are you going to stay?"
" In a hotel."
The officer is talking as well as going through Mita's papers. He finds the papers OK.
He smiles and stamps her passport. The officer keeps the departure card, and returns
the passport to Mita.
"Have a safe journey."
Mita waits for her aunt, uncle and Zara on the other side of the immigration. Once all
of them are done they walk towards the passengers' departure lounge.
Going on a foreign trip 5
C Make a list showing what the immigration officer asks and tells Mita,
and what Mita said in response. One is done for you.
D Now work in pairs and act out the role of Mita and the immigration of
E What are the three things needed at immigration.
Lesson 4: Boarding the plane
Key words: seize enclosed formality gel
A Read the text and answer the following questions.
Mita, Zara, Mr and Mrs Islam all sit at the lounge. They all have hand luggage with
them. Mr Islam asks, “ Mita, Zara, are you two carrying any liquid, lotion, gel or
cream in your carry-on luggage?” “I have a small lip gel in it. Why Uncle?” “Well, if
it is a very small one, there is no problem. But if you’ve more than 100 ml, you have
to put it in the checked–in luggage. These are not allowed on board in hand luggage.
For security reasons, the officials who do the baggage checking will seize and throw
them away”. Mita, Zara, Jhuma Islam and Mazharul Islam go through the security
checking and wait in the enclosed area. All the formalities are done. Now they are
waiting to board the plane.
Mita, Zara and her parents board the plane after their row number is announced. Mita
gets a window seat. Her seat number is F23 C. Zara sits beside her on an isle seat and
her parents sit behind them.
1 Who had a small lip gel in the hand luggage?
2 How much liquid or gel is allowed to carry in hand luggage?
6 English For Today
Immigration officer Mita
1 Are you travelling alone?
1 No. I’m travelling with my aunt,
uncle and cousin.
. .
3 Why are liquid, gel and cream not allowed on board a plane?
4 Which row is Mita sitting in?
B Listen to the teacher/CD and complete the chart. First one is done for you.
U1, L4 B
Listening text: 1
Lesson 5: Announcements on board (1)
Key words: lavatory currently cruising altitude descend schedule destination
A Look at the picture and talk about it.
Going on a foreign trip 7
Announcement Information
1 Destination
2 Name of the Airways
3 Flight no.
4 Row numbers of passengers called
first to board
5 Rows called for boarding last
6 Final boarding call for
B Read the announcement carefully and fill in the blanks below.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome on board Flight BG88 to Bangkok. We are currently
third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in approximately seven
minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and secure all baggage under your seat or in the
overhead compartments. Keep your seats and table trays in the upright position for
take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic devices, including laptops and
cellphones. This is a non-smoking flight. Smoking in the lavatory is prohibited. Thank
you for choosing Bangladesh Biman. Enjoy your flight.
1 The plane is __________ in line to take off.
2 The passengers are requested to fasten their ______________.
3 All baggage to be kept ____________ the seat or in the ______________
4 The seats are to be in __________________ position.
5 All personal _______________ devices are to be turned off.
6 It is a ______________ flight.
C Read the questions carefully. Now read the following announcement on board
flight BG 88 and answer the questions in short.
1 Who was speaking?
2 What was the airspeed of the plane per hour?
3 What’s the time mentioned in the announcement?
4 How is the weather?
5 What’s the temperature in Bangkok mentioned in the announcement?
6 Who will serve snacks and drinks and beverage?
Good afternoon passengers. This is your captain Rashid Akbar speaking. First I'd like
to welcome everyone on Flight BG 88. We are currently cruising at an altitude of
10058.40 feet at airspeed of 643.7376 km per hour. The time is 1:25 pm. The weather
looks good and with the tailwind on our side we are expecting to land in
8 English For Today
Bangkok approximately fifteen minutes ahead of schedule. The weather in Bangkok is
clear and sunny. The temperature is 32 degree Celsius for this afternoon. If the
weather is good we should get a great view of the city as we descend. The cabin crew
will be coming around in about twenty minute’s time to offer you a light snack and
drinks. The inflight movie will begin shortly after that. I'll talk to you again before we
reach our destination. Until then, sit back, and enjoy the flight.
Lesson 6: Announcements on board (2)
Key word : exit locate monitored assistance secure assume bracing-position pouch
firmly turbulence
A Look at the picture and talk about each of the situation in pairs.
B Listen to the teacher/CD and answer the questions.
U1, L6 B Listening text: 2
1 What is the announcement about?
2 How many times the word ‘belt’ has been said in the announcement?
3 What will you do to fasten your seat belt?
4 What will you do to unfasten your seatbelt?
Going on a foreign trip 9
C Read the text.
Oxygen and the air pressure are always being monitored. In the event of a lack of
oxygen, an oxygen mask will automatically appear in front of you. Pull the mask
towards you and place it firmly over your nose and mouth. Secure the elastic band
behind your head, and breathe normally. If you are travelling with a child or someone
who requires assistance, secure your mask on first, and then assist the other person.
Keep your mask on until a uniformed crew member advises you to remove it.
In the event of an emergency, please assume the bracing position. That is, lean
forward with your hands on top of your head and your elbows against your thighs.
Ensure your feet are flat on the floor.
A life vest is located in a pouch under your seat or between the armrests. When
instructed to do so, open the plastic pouch and remove the vest. Slip it over your head.
Pass the straps around your waist and adjust at the front. To inflate the vest, pull
firmly on the red cord, before you leave the aircraft. We remind you that this is a
nonsmoking flight.
You will find this and all the other safety information in the card located in the seat
pocket in front of you. We strongly suggest you read it before takeoff. If you have any
questions, please don’t hesitate to ask one of our crew members. We wish you all an
enjoyable flight.
Adapted from:
* Source: English club.com
* Source: airodyssey.net
D Read the announcement again and match the sentence parts in A with those
in B in the following table. Then write the sentences in your exercise book.
1 Oxygen and air
2 If you are travelling with
a child
3 Life vests are placed
4 The whistle and light
5 The card with other safety
under the seat or between the armrests.
are used to draw attention.
is kept in the seat pocket.
put the mask on your nose and mouth first
and then help the child.
are always monitored.
10 English For Today
E Choose the best answer.
1 There are more than two emergency exits in the aircraft. Here ‘exits’ means
a) doors
b) departures
c) windows
d) seats
2 In the announcement, the cabin crew asked each passenger to --------- their life vest.
a) trace
b) take
c) find
d) uncover
3 During emergency, the passengers are requested to assume the bracing position.
Here, ‘assume’
a) take on
b) suppose
c) shoulder
d) change
4 The cabin crews with their nice behaviour made all the passengers feel safe and
…….. when the plane was bumping..
a) worried
b) fixed
c) happy
d) secured
Going on a foreign trip 11
Lesson 7: Reaching Bangkok
Key words: derived parallel cargo capacity
A Look at the picture and talk about it.
1 What do you see?
2 What could be this place?
3 How do you know?
B Read the text and complete the chart.
The plane landed at Suvarnabhumi Airport at 4:55 p.m. The name ‘Suvarnabhumi’,
is pronounced as “su-wan-na-poom”. The name is derived from Sanskrit, which
means golden land. The name was chosen by King Bhumibol Adulyadie.
The airport is located in Racha Thewa in the Bang Phli district of Samut Prakan
province, 30 kilometers east of Bangkok.
The airport has two parallel runways. Both of them are 60 metre wide. One of the
runways is 4000 meter long and the other is 3,700 meters. It can handle 76 flight
operations per hour. It can handle 45 million passengers and 3 million tonnes of cargo
per year.
12 English For Today
The airport passenger terminal is 563,000 square meter that is, 6,060,000 square feet.
It is the fourth biggest passenger terminal building in the world. The airport is going
through phase 2. It will raise the airport’s capacity to handle 65 million passengers per
year. The airport has two 5 storey car park buildings. The buildings can house 5000
C Listen to the teacher/CD and circle the correct information.
U1, L7 C
Listening text: 3
Suvarnabhomi airport has
1 checkpoints for arrivals: 130/131/132
2 checkpoints for departures : 70/71/72.
3 custom control checkpoints for arrivals: 25/26/27.
4 custom control checkpoints for departures: 4/6/8
5 baggage conveyor belts: 20/22/24
6 check-in counters: 360/361/362
Bangkok Airport Information
1 name
2 origin of the name
3 chosen by
4 meaning
5 distance from Bangkok
6 runway
7 length of runways
8 aircraft control led per hour
9 number of passengers
10 cargo handled
11 car parking
12 number of passengers in future
Going on a foreign trip 13
7 moving walkways: 106/107/108
8 elevators: 102/103/104
9 escalators: 81/82/83
Lesson 8: The destination
Key words: fascinate destination floating market
A Read the text below and complete it with the right form of verb from the
box. You can use one verb more than once if necessary.
be wait give excited nod go hold take ride stand
Mita was ___________to see such a big airport. After completing immigration, they
all came out of the airport. Mr. Mazarul Islam _____________ to the taxi counter
and bought a ticket. They stood in a line, ____________ for their turn. Soon their taxi
came and they all got into it.
Mita’s uncle _____________ the driver his address, Happy Condo 18 Rachada Pisek
Road. The driver _____________and started for the destination. Mita
__________very excited. She _________Zara’s hand and whispered, “ Oh Zara, I
can’t believe I’m here with you and I’m so happy. Mita had never __________ a car at
such a high speed. She __________ a little scared. It ___________ about one and a
half hours to reach their destination. Mita’s uncle paid the driver according to the
metre. The driver ________ out their luggage, thanked Mr. Islam and drove away.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Mita looked around and saw a garden of trees and flowers welcoming her. There was a
small fountain at the middle of the garden, bringing in cool breeze. Mita loved the place.
Mita brought a suitcase as well as a piece of carry-on luggage. She carried her
luggage to the elevator and pressed a button that said 6. Her uncle’s apartment was on
the 7th floor. It was a nicely done two- bedroom apartment. Mita and Zara were going
to share the same room.
14 English For Today
It was nearly 8 p.m. when they all got settled. They finished dinner and started to plan
for the next day. Mita read about the floating market in the internet, and wanted to
see one. “ell, then you have to wake up very early tomorrow. The market sits early in
the morning and is over before noon. We are going to the Tha Kha floating market
tomorrow,” said Mr. Islam. “Wow!” cried out Mita and Zara together. “Thank you,
uncle.” “Thank you, dad.”
1 Why did Mita think that the garden was welcoming her?
2 When did they all start to plan for the next day?
3 What did they plan to see?
4 Why would Mita and Zara wake up early the next morning?
C Read the text in A and B and write what the following phrases mean in the text.
1 their turn
2 a little scared
3 bringing in
4 said 6
5 got settled
Lesson 9: The Tha Kha floating market
Key words : laden chit-chat natives
A Look at the picture and talk about it.
Going on a foreign trip 15
1 Can you guess what this could be?
2 Where do you thing this place is?
B Read the text and answer the questions.
It was Sunday. Mita, Zara, Jhumona Islam and Mazharul Islam woke up very early.
They quickly got ready and started for Tha Kha floating market. They planned to have
breakfast at the market. They reached the market place sharp at 7. The canals were
surrounded with coconut palm trees. They hired a boat. The boatman started to row
slowly taking them to the centre of the market.
There were boats everywhere. The sellers were mainly elderly Thai women. Their
small boats were laden with bundles of lotus flowers, farm-fresh coconuts, fruits,
vegetables, local food, and delicious sweets. The sellers and buyers rowed their boats
slowly. The sellers displayed their goods for sale and the buyers chose their pick.
They could have a little chit-chat as buying and selling was going on.
1 What kind of market was it?
2 Why did the boatman row slowly?
3 Who were selling goods? How were they selling their goods?
4 What were they selling?
5 What was the atmosphere at the market?
C Read more about the Tha Kha river and Mita’s experience.
The Tha Kha floating market is more traditional with a few tourists visiting than other
floating markets. Originally, the Tha Kha floating market used to sit only six or seven
days a month depending on the phase of the moon. Now a days, the trade takes place
on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays too. The main buyers here are the Tha Kha
natives. People seem to know each other very well. Everyone was seen smiling and
calling each other by name. The locals did not notice Mita and others much. They
were all busy buying and selling.
D True or false? If false give the correct information.
1 Tha Kha floating market is a tourist place.
2 It sits only six or seven days a month.
16 English For Today
3 The buyers and sellers are the local people living near Tha Kha river.
4 They all knew each other.
E Read the text further and write the answers to the following questions.
1 Why is Tha Kha floating market ‘traditional’?
2 How many days a week does the market sit?
3 Why do you think people at the floating market know each other so well?
F Read the text and answer the following questions.
They passed an hour and a half at the market and enjoyed the business. Then all of
them were hungry. They rowed near the boat of an elderly woman, who was selling
food. She welcomed them with a smile and showed them the foods. They bought the
traditional and very popular food called ‘Pad Thai’, a kind of noodles with shrimps,
tomato and some vegetables, with freshly roasted crushed peanut. The food was
served in a bowl made from banana leaf. After Pad Thai, they ate ‘Kanom Krok’. It is
a coconut pancake which is very sweet.
The Tha Kha people are simple and easy going. They are very friendly and polite.
They do not understand English or any other language. Yet they have a way to
communicate with Mita and others.
Mita was delighted to see a traditional Thai floating market. She took a lot of pictures
with the elderly sellers.
1 Who were hungry?
2 How did the elderly woman know that Mita and others want to buy food?
3 What does the phrase ‘easy going’ mean?
G Discuss in groups the following question and write the answer.
Do we have anything like a Tha Kha market in our country? If we have, where
can you find it? If we don’t have, discuss why we need it.
H Describe a nearby bazar/market in your locality. Use the following cues:
location, variety of things found there, what kind of people go there, etc.
Going on a foreign trip 17
Unit Two
Food and nutrition
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
read and understand texts through silent reading
listen for information
ask and answer questions
write answers to questions
practice sounds
Lesson 1: Good food
Key words : nutritious substances physical structure
A Talk about the picture and read the text.
Ms Rehana, the English teacher, is talking to the class about food.
“Food is very important for our body,” she says. “We can’t live without it. So you
must always have good food.”
“What's good food, teacher?” asks a student.
“Good food means the right kind of food for good health,'' says Ms Rehana. “It is
nutritious. It must contain natural substances that our body needs to grow properly
and stay healthy. But remember, you must not eat too much though the food is good.
Eating too much is bad for health. You have to eat only a certain amount of food that
your body needs. So we do not need the same kind of food in the same quantity. It
depends on your growth and physical structure”.
B Answer the following questions.
1 What is Ms Rehana talking about?
2 Why do we eat food?
3 What is meant by ‘nutritious food’?
4 How much food does a person need to eat a day?
5 Does everyone need the same amount of food? Why?
Food and nutrition 19
C Complete these sentences.
1 We should eat good food to_________________________.
2 We should not eat more than________________________.
3 Eating too much food is not_________________________.
4 Good food means_________________________________.
Lesson 2: Kinds of food
Key words : Carbohydrate Protein Vitamins Minerals
A Listen to the teacher/CD and answer the following questions.
U2, L2 A
Listening text: 4
1 How many kinds of food do we need?
2 What are they?
Now choose the best answer.
1 Foods are divided into classes according to their
a colours and tastes.
b shapes and sizes.
c substances they contain.
d water they contain.
2 Potatoes contain a lot of
a carbohydrate.
b protein.
c vitamins.
d minerals.
20 English For Today
3 Butter and ghee are a good source of
a protein.
b fat.
c vitamins.
d carbohydrate.
4 Minerals are present in
a nuts.
b peas.
c milk.
d water.
5 Which food has the most carbohydrate?
a sugar
b rice
c fruits
d vegetables
Lesson 3: Our daily diet
Key words: essential disease calcium interval
A Read the dialogue.
Ms Rehana : Let's talk about some essential foods that we need to eat regularly. For
our good health we must choose the right food in our daily diet.
Student 1 : We eat rice, ‘ruti’, fish and meat every day. What else should we have,
Ms Rehana : Well, we must also eat vegetables and fruits. They contain a lot of
vitamins and minerals. They keep our body free from diseases. They are
also good for our skin and overall health.
Food and nutrition 21
Student 2 : Should we have anything else?
Ms Rehana : Sure. We need to drink milk every day. Milk is highly rich in calcium.
It’s good for our healthy growth. It makes our bones and teeth strong as
well.We must drink pure water at regular intervals too. It’s essential for
our body.We can’t live without drinking water.
B Make five questions from the following table.
C Now write the answers to the questions that you have made in section B.
D Read the text in section A again and tick the best answer.
1 Milk is highly rich in fat/calcium/sugar.
2 Fruits and vegetables are good for eyes/ overall health/ skin.
3 Water/energy drink/milk is most important for life.
Lesson 4: A delicious dish
Key words : custard peel
A Look at the pictures. What do you see?
What foods
essential for our body?
good for our skin?
we need to eat good food?
vegetables contain?
minerals do to us?
22 English For Today
B Ask and answer the questions.
1 What type of food do you like?
2 Why do you like these?
3 Where do you get these from?
4 Do you eat home-made food?
C Look at the picture. What do you see in the picture?
Now read the following recipe.
1 Ripe banana: 1
2 Apple: 1
3 Ripe papaya: 1 (small)
4 Custard powder: 2 table spoon
5 Milk: half litre
6 Sugar: 4 table spoon
How to prepare
First wash the fruits and peel them. Then cut the fruits into small pieces and keep them in
a bowl. Now boil the milk in a pot. Next mix sugar in it and stir well. Take the custard
powder in a small cup, put 4 tablespoons of cold milk and mix well. Now pour the
mixture into the boiling milk and stir well. Boil for five minutes, stirring it all the time.
After that, take the pot off the stove. Let the custard cool. Finally pour it into the fruit
bowl. Now the delicious custard is ready to eat.
Food and nutrition 23
D Describe how to make a cup of tea, using the following sentence connectors.
First Then Next After that Finally
Lesson 5: A little plant
Key words : bury creep
A Talk about the pictures.
Then read and listen to the poem.
A little plant
In the heart of a seed
Buried deep, so deep,
A dear little plant
Lay fast asleep.
“Wake!” said the voice
Of the rain drops bright.
The little plant heard.
And rose to see
What the wonderful
Outside world might be.
24 English For Today
B As you listen to the poem, notice how these groups of words are
1 seed, deep, asleep, see
2 hear, world
3 lay, wake, rain
C Ask and answer the questions.
1 Where is the little plant sleeping ?
2 Who spoke to the little plant ?
3 What did they want the little plant to do?
4 What two things do plants need in order to grow ?
5 Which word in the poem means “grow” ?
Food and nutrition 25
Unit Three
Health and hygiene
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
read and understand texts through silent reading
listen for information
sk and answer questions
write the answers to questions
write a letter
Lesson 1: Health
Key words : disease essential concentrate possession
A Look at and talk about the picture. Ask and answer the following questions.
1 Which boy looks healthy?
2 Which boy is unhealthy?
3 Can you guess why they are so?
B Read the questions first. Then read the text and answer the questions.
1 Why is good health essential for us?
2 Why is physical exercise necessary?
Health is the condition of our body and mind. It may be good or bad. Good health
means healthy body free from diseases. It is essential for everyone to lead a happy
life. If we are not in good health, we cannot concentrate on any activity in our life.
A proverb goes, ‘Health is Wealth’ It means health is equally valuable as gold or any
other personal possessions. We may have vast wealth and property, but if we are not
healthy we cannot enjoy them.
To keep ourselves healthy, we have to do certain things. We have to eat a balanced
diet.We must exercise regularly to keep our body fit for work.
Health and hygiene 27
There is an old saying :
'Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise.'
So we must not keep late hours. We should go to bed early at night and rise early in
the morning. Peace of mind is another condition for good health. So we must not
worry over small things of life.
C Read the text in B silently and then choose the best answer.
1 Health means the condition of
a our body.
b our mind.
c our body and mind.
d our environment.
2 A healthy person is one who
a is physical and mentally sound.
b eats good food.
c has a lot of wealth.
d is over weight.
3 We need to eat
a rich food.
b balanced food.
c little food.
d lot of food.
4 The phrase ‘to keep late hours’ means
a to go to bed late.
b to wake up late in the morning.
c to do things late always.
d to be late for the class.
D Write a short paragraph about how you can maintain good health.
28 English For Today
Lesson 2: Ode on Solitude
A Read and recite the poem.
Ode on Solitude
Happy the man, whose wish and care
A few paternal acres bound,
Content to breathe his native air,
In his own ground.
Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
Whose flocks supply him with attire,
Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
In winter fire.
Blest! who can unconcern’dly find
Hours, days and years slide soft away,
In health of body, peace of mind,
Quiet by day,
Sound sleep by night; study and ease
Together mix’d; sweet recreation,
And innocence, which most does please,
With meditation.
Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;
Thus unlamented let me die;
Steal from the world, and not a stone
Tell where I lie.
Alexander Pope
B Answer the questions.
1 What things does a happy man have?
2 How does he pass his time?
3 How does he wish to die?
4 How do you think you can be happy in life?
Health and hygiene 29
Lesson 3 : Hygiene
Key words : hygiene godliness achieve spiritually soul
A Read the questions first. Then read the text and answer them in short.
1 What can be a hotbed of germs?
2 How many times should we brush our teeth a day?
3 What kind of water should we drink?
The word ‘hygiene’ means the practice of keeping ourselves clean. It also means to
keep our home and work places clean. It is important for our good health.
Hygiene is thought to be next to godliness. It is because we cannot achieve anything
physically, mentally or spiritually if we are unclean in our body, mind and soul.
Nobody likes an unclean person either. So we must follow the rules of hygiene.
First, we must keep our body clean. We should have a bath every day and wash our
hair regularly. This will keep the body and hair free from dirt and bacteria.
Secondly, we should wash our clothes regularly. Dirty clothes give off bad smell and
invite germs. We should wear socks and shoes when we go out to protect our feet
from dust and germs. It is also important to wash our hands before meals and after
using the toilet. We should brush our teeth twice a day, after breakfast and supper. We
must also cut our nails regularly. Our drinking water must be pure. We can get pure
water by boiling and filtering.
Finally, we should keep our surroundings and environment clean.
If we do and follow all the above things properly, we will be able to lead a healthy and
happy life.
B True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 Cleanliness is part of good health.
2 Cleanliness is very important for mental health.
30 English For Today
3 We need to wear socks and shoes to look smart.
4 We need to brush our teeth before meals.
5 We must keep ourselves clean.
6 We can have pure drinking water from tube wells.
C Complete the following sentences.
1 If we are healthy, we ----------------------------- .
2 We must be clean so that-------------------------- .
3 You must exercise to ------------------------------- .
4 Nobody likes an ------------------------------------ .
5 If we obey the laws of hygiene, we ---------------- .
D Work in groups. Make a list of five things that you do daily to maintain
personal hygiene. Share with other groups, make a poster and display it in
the class.
Health and hygiene 31
Lesson 4 : A dialogue
Key word : prescribe
A Talk about the picture and answer the questions.
1 Who is the man lying on the examination table?
2 Who is the man in an apron?
B Read and act out the conversation.
Rabi’s father Mr Zahir Ali is not well. He has difficulty speaking. He is now at the
doctor’s clinic.
Rabi : Good evening, doctor.
Doctor : Good evening. How is your father today?
Rabi : Not at all well. He has difficulty breathing as before. He is having severe
chest pain again.
Doctor : I see. Mr Ali, could you lie down on the examination table, please? OK,
let’s see… Do you feel any pain here?
32 English For Today
Zahir : Ooh!
Doctor : And here?
Zahir : Ouch!
Doctor : All right. I’m prescribing a medicine. Take one tablet in the morning
and another at night before meals. I also advise you to have a chest
X-ray immediately. If possible show me the X-ray report today in
the evening. OK?
Rabi : Okay, doctor. Thank you.
Doctor : You are welcome.
C Answer the following questions.
1 Who are talking in the dialogue?
2 Where does the dialogue take place?
3 What are Zahir Ali’s problems?
4 Why can’t Zahir Ali tell the doctor about his problems?
5 What does the doctor prescribe him?
D Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 Did you have any stomach pain or leg injury anytime before?
2 When was it?
3 What did you do to get well?
E Suppose you visited a doctor for a stomach pain or a bad cold. Make an
imaginary dialogue between you and the doctor. Act it out in pairs.
Food and nutrition 33
Lesson 5 : A letter
Key words : nicotine tragedy broke puff
A Read the letter silently to know what happened to Zahir Ali.
10/E Purana Paltan
Dhaka 1000
9 June 2013
Dear Sohel
I am sorry I could not reply to your letter earlier. This is because last week there was a
tragedy in our family. My father died of lung cancer.
He used to smoke heavily. He got the bad habit from his college days. Recently my
mother and I were very worried about Father’s worsening health condition. He was
having continuous chest pain. The doctor showed him his chest X-ray plates. There
were dark marks on his lungs. The doctor explained to him that the marks were the
signs of lung cancer. He also explained that a poisonous substance called nicotine is in
tobacco leaves; and cigarettes are made from tobacco leaves. When a person smokes
cigarettes, this nicotine enters into their lungs with every puff. If anybody smokes
cigarettes for years, this deadly nicotine causes lung cancer. Both mother and I tried to
stop father from smoking. He never listened to our requests and warnings. He died an
untimely death.
Let me tell you the truth. My father’s death is a great shock for us.You know, we are a
big family of seven. My father was the only earning member in the family. So we
don’t know how we are going to survive.
Anyway, God is merciful and we are trying to recover from the shock. Write me when
you have the time. Give my regards to your parents.
34 English For Today
B Tick the best answer.
1 "My father's death is a great tragedy."
The underlined word means
a a very sad event.
b a very strong warning.
c smoking heavily.
d lung cancer.
2 Rabi's family is now completely broke, because
a his father had lung cancer.
b they have no money left.
c his father's death broke them completely.
d there was a tragedy in the family.
C Answer the questions. First say, then write.
1 What could be the relationship between the sender and the receiver of
the letter?
2 What causes lung cancer?
3 Who do you think are the members of Rabi's family? Why do you think so?
4 Imagine you are Sohel. Now write a reply to Rabi's letter.
Health and hygiene 35
Lesson 6 : Physical exercise
Key words : stretching benefit regularity
A Look at the picture and talk about it with your partner.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Mr Pronay Larma, the physical teacher of Rooppur High School is talking about
health to his students.
"What things are necessary for good health?" he asks the students.
"We need a lot of things, teacher," says Rushad. "We need healthy food, proper rest
and sleep.We also have to be clean and tidy."
"Good!" says Mr Larma. "These are the things you need for good health. But another
thing that you also need is regular physical exercise."
"What types of physical exercise can we do, teacher ?" asks Rayeed.
"Well," says Mr Larma. "There are different kinds of physical exercises. You can do
them indoors as well as outdoors. In the house you can do some free hand exercise.
That is, you can stretch different parts of your body. Outside, you can play, swim or
simply walk."
"Why do we need physical exercise, teacher ?" asks Ranjan.
"Well", says Mr Larma, "The benefits of physical exercise are many. The greatest of
36 English For Today
them is that it keeps you fit for work. It also gives you energy, and makes you strong
and cheerful. It teaches you regularity and discipline as well."
1 What things are necessary for good health?
2 How many physical exercises are there?
3 Why do we need physical exercise?
4 What physical exercise do you do?
5 Do you have a physical education teacher in your school? How does s/he
help you to do physical exercise?
C Here is a list of some physical exercises. Tick which one/ones you like. Then
tell the class the reason/s for your liking. Finally write in your notebook
which ones are indoor exercises and which are outdoors, and which ones can
be done both indoors and outdoors.
D Ask and answer the questions.
1 Why do you need regular physical exercise?
2 What does physical exercise teach you?
3 Do you do physical exercise every day? What sort of exercise do you do?
4 What’s your favourite sport? Do you take part in it? If so, where do you
play it and who with?
List of exercises
1 playing sports
2 swimming
3 skipping
4 jogging
5 walking
6 stretching
Health and hygiene 37
Lesson 7 : A healthy and happy family
A Look at the picture. Then ask and answer the questions about it.
1 What do you see in the picture?
2 Who do you think is the owner of the house?
3 Where can you find this type of house? Why do you think so?
B Listen to the teacher/CD and answer the following questions.
U3, L7 B Listening text: 5
1 How far is Shakib’s house from his school?
2 Why is Shakib’s house free from mosquitoes?
38 English For Today
C Listen again and write 'True' or 'false' against each of the following
1 Shakib’s family lives in a remote town.
2 He has no brothers or sisters.
3 His parents do not know how to read or write.
4 His mother is an excellent cook.
5 Shakib does not participate in cleaning activities at home.
D Look at the table, then listen again to the teacher / CD. The table has some
words from the text that you have just listened. First guess the meanings of the
words. Then match them with their meanings. One is done for you.
Words Meanings
knowing about something
about a disease that spreads from one person
to another
that causes harm to your health
having a very pleasant taste
able to read or write.
Health and hygiene 39
Lesson 8 : Making a class forum
Key words : forum environment fortnightly
A Look at the two pictures. Then ask and answer questions.
Picture 1 Picture 2
1 What do you see in the picture ?
2 What are the students doing in picture 1 ?
3 What are they doing in picture 2 ?
4 Do you do these things at home? If you don’t, who does ?
B Read the passage and answer the following questions.
Ms Subarna Saha, the class teacher, has just entered the classroom. She is now talking
to the students.
"Why is the classroom so dirty?" asks Ms Saha. "I know the school cleaner is absent
today. So what? Can't we ourselves keep our classroom clean?"says Ms Saha. "Sorry
teacher," Shafiq, the class captain, says politely. "This is our classroom. If you clean
it, you will do physical work and feel good. Also it is our responsibility to keep it
clean and tidy".
"Okay, teacher," says Shafiq, "We'll do it from now on."
"First, you can make a forum, and select a leader," the class teacher suggests. "Then
divide the cleaning activities among different groups."
"It's really a great idea, teacher," says Shafiq. "We'll make the forum now and start
working immediately."
40 English For Today
After this, a forum is formed by class 8 students under the leadership of their class
captain. The students are divided into several groups and a work plan is made for
cleaning. The students decided to make some ground rules. Here is a list of some of
the rules:
Do not spit in the class.
Do not drop litter in the class.
Use the bin for trash.
Keep the desks and chairs in place.
All the students of class 8 are very excited to be involved in this activity at school.
C Choose the best answer.
1 Ms Subarna Saha is
a physical education teacher.
b an English teacher.
c a class teacher.
d a science teacher.
2 The class teacher suggested the students to make a forum
a to keep their classroom clean.
b to participate in social activities.
c to keep the school environment clean.
d to help each other.
3 The students were happy to be able to
a become the members of the forum.
b take part in the cleaning programme at school.
c make their class captain leader of the forum.
d make themselves useful.
4 The students will clean the school campus
a once a week.
b once in two weeks.
c once in three weeks.
d once in a month.
Health and hygiene 41
Unit Four
Check your reference
Learning outcomes
After we have studied this unit we will be able to
read and understand content pages in books.
look up words in a dictionary.
Lesson 1: Introducing a table of contents
A Look at the table and talk about it in groups.
B Now answer the questions below.
1 Is the table familiar to you?
2 Where do you find it?
3 What is the table about?
4 What is this table called?
Check your reference 43
C Read the text and discuss in groups. Then try to find answers to the following
You get a new book in hand. You see the title of the book and you want to read it. But
does the title only give you enough information about what the book is all about?
You also find the book divided into a few parts. Suppose you want to read a certain part
of the book. Certainly you will not like to waste time looking for it in the whole book.
1 How do you know which page to look for it? What do you do?
2 Do you think the table in A can help you? How?
D Look at the table of contents in Section A. Then ask and answer the questions below.
1 What are the topics at page numbers vii, xiii, xv ?
2 If you want to read about the Hippopotamus, what unit and page numbers
should you go to ?
3 What is the content at page number 65 ?
4 What page does the unit 2 start at and where does it end ?
5 Which topics appear between pages 26 –28?
Lesson 2: Using a table of contents
A Look at the questions and discuss in small groups.
1 Why do we need a table of contents to read a book?
2 What does a table of contents contain?
B Now read the text and ask and answer the questions following it.
A table of contents is an important part of a book. It gives us information about what is
inside a book. It tells us what each of the parts of the book is about. It also tells us how
to go to the page where the part starts. A table of contents is usually written as
‘contents’ at the top of the page. The list of the parts is presented in the order that they
appear in the book. The list contains the titles or the names of the parts. It sometimes
mentions the sections as well as the subsection titles with the chapter/ unit/lesson titles.
It also includes the foreword or preface, book map, index, and the page numbers.
C Ask and answer the questions.
1 Why do we need a table of contents in a book?
2 In what order are the parts of a table of contents presented, eg. lesson umbers?
44 English For Today
D True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 A table of contents gives us information only about the contents of a book.
2 A table of content contains some columns.
3 There is no link between the order of the list and that of the parts appearing
in the book.
4 A chapter or unit title is sometimes followed by the section or subsection
E Open your English textbook. Find the table of contents page.
Look at the questions.Work in pairs and find out.
1 What is the title of the page?
2 What are the column heads?
3 Which page numbers contain the topics?
4 Which topic starts in page 44?
5 How many units are there?
6 How many page numbers are there in the book?
F Now give information about the following.
Name/title of the table of contents page:
Names of column heads:
Numbers of units:
Total number of pages:
Title of the first unit:
Page number where the first unit starts:
Title of the last unit:
Position of the page numbers:
Position of the chapter titles:
Others, if any:
Check your reference 45
Lesson 3 : Using a dictionary (1)
A Look at the questions and the text and talk about them in groups.
1 Have you come across this type of text before?
2 Do you know what the text is about?
3 What do you know about a dictionary?
4 What do you find in a dictionary?
46 English For Today
Lesson 4 : Using a dictionary (2)
A Look at the dictionary page in Lesson 3 and answer the following questions.
Then read the text below.
Do you use a dictionary?
Why and how often do you use a dictionary?
How can a dictionary help you?
A dictionary is a collection of words. It lists the words of a language and gives
necessary information about them. It tells us about the
a) spelling
b) pronunciation
c) meaning
d) parts of speech etc. of words.
To make the meanings of words clear example sentences are given in italics.
Example sentences show how words are used.
It also gives the synonym/s and the antonym/s of a word.
We find words made by adding prefixes and suffixes to the root word. Parts of speech
are also shown. A verb word is always given in the simple present tense. But the past
form of a verb and the past participle are also shown.
B Again read the text above. Then ask and answer the following questions.
1 What information does a dictionary give us about a verb word?
2 Why are the example sentences given?
3 How are new words formed?
4 Why are the synonyms and the antonyms given?
5 What do we need a dictionary for?
C Match the sentence parts in A with those in B.
A dictionary shows in its simple present tense.
Prefixes and suffixes about the words of a language.
A verb word is always given help to make new words.
Meanings of words are given how to pronounce a word.
A dictionary gives information in a dictionary.
Check your reference 47
Lesson 5 : Looking up words in a dictionary
A Talk in groups about the text in Lesson 4 and about the questions below. Then
read the text.
1 Is there any connection between the alphabet and a dictionary?
2 What do you understand by alphabetical order?
The words in a dictionary are presented in alphabetical order. It follows the
alphabetical order of letters. It means words starting with the letter D will be before
the words starting with the letter E. In the same way words starting with the letter F
will come after the words starting with E.
Again the words starting with the same letter are also arranged one after another in
alphabetical order in the dictionary. For example, the words dark, doctor and deep all
start with the letter D. These words appear in the dictionary in the order of dark, deep
and doctor.
To find the words with a letter, look at the words at the top of the page.
While doing the activities, use a dictionary or a dictionary page as much as you can.
B Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
entertainment, knowledge, culture, art, painting, thought, interest, heritage, yellow,
C Work in pairs. Arrange the following words under the letter ‘S’ in alphabetical
order as they appear in the dictionary.
single should system sufficient
solar source steel sweet
D Find and write the words coming between the words tea and technique under
the letter ‘t’ in your dictionary.
E Show in which order are the following words arranged in Lesson 3.
Fit fitted fitful fitness fitting fitter fitment
48 English For Today
Lesson 6 : Meanings of words
A Look at the questions below and read the following text. Now discuss in pairs
1 What do you do when you want to know the meaning of a word?
2 How can a dictionary help us?
A dictionary gives us the meaning/meanings of a word. Examples sentences are given
to show how the words are used. They also help to make the meaning clear. A word
may have more than one meaning.
The word dry (adj) has a number of meanings. Three of them are given here.
(i) not wet, not damp, not sticky: The river becomes dry during the summer.
(ii) with very little rain: I hope the weather remains dry during our picnic.
(iii) not interesting: His speech was quite dry.
Sometimes the synonyms and antonyms given with the words help to understand the
meanings of words.
Do the activities in pairs, using a dictionary.
B Find at least two meanings for each of the following words from the dictionary
page in Lesson 3.
fit fitness fitter fitting fitted
Now make your own example sentences showing their meanings.
Check your reference 49
Lesson 7 : Synonyms and antonyms
A Look at the questions and ask and answer.
What is a synonym ?
What is an antonym ?
Do you know of any two words with the same or nearly the same meaning ?
What about boring and dull ?
Do you know a word that means just the opposite of another word ?
What about obey and disobey ?
B Read the text and do the following activities in pairs.
A synonym is a word that means the same or almost the same as another word.
There may be more than one synonyms for some of the words. Big and large,
begin and start are synonyms.
An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. Sorrow and
happiness, right and wrong are examples of antonyms.
C Find the synonyms of the following words. Take help of the dictionary.
idle text annoyed result goal trip valuable return
D Find the synonyms of the words in the dictionary page in Lesson 3.
fit fitted fitting
Make sentences with the synonyms.
E Find the antonyms of the words in the dictionary page in Lesson 3.
fit fitted
Make sentences with the antonyms.
F From your dictionary find the antonyms of the following words.
profit complete strong hard different sweet fair minor
50 English For Today
G Match a word in A with a synonym in B.
H Fill in the boxes with the synonyms of the word ‘happy’.
I Match a word in A with its opposite in B
J Fill in the boxes with the opposites/ antonyms of the word ‘happy’.
noise harm
boring sight
handy irritate
mend dull
damage useful
jealous row
annoy envious
view fix
high accept
lose light
refuse low
temporary subtract
heavy permanent
add gain
minor outdoor
indoor major
Check your reference 51
Unit Five
Making a difference
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
read and understand texts through silent reading
infer meaning from context
listen for information
ask and answer questions
write answers to questions
Lesson 1: The beginning
Adapted from
Prothom Alo
June 17, 2005
Key words : typical extraordinary will-power determination aspect spirit
A Read the text and tick the best answers to the following questions.
There is a small village called Bhabanipur in Jhenaidah. It is a typical Bangladeshi
village. People here spend their day-to-day life mostly working in the fields and doing
small jobs. In this ordinary village, there lives an extraordinary woman named
Shamima Akhter. Shamima’s willpower and determination have made her
extraordinary. She has seen the most cruel aspect of life. But the cruelty could not
defeat her spirit. She has come out as a winner, defying all the odds of life.
Shamima is now 32 years old. She runs a small boutique called ‘Oikko Nari Kollayan
Shangstha’ in her village. Let’s hear from Shamima, how she succeeded in setting up
her boutique.
1 Bhabanipur is a typical Bangladeshi village.
The underlined word means
a unusual.
b usual.
c famous.
d infamous.
2 Shamima is an extraordinary person.
Here underlined word means
a common.
b simple.
c amazing.
d normal.
Check your reference 53
3 People of determination succeed in the long run.
Here underlined word means
a willpower.
b weakness.
c strong desire.
d wish.
4 Shamima has faced the most dark aspect of life.
Here the underlined word means
a appearance.
b position.
c characteristics.
d piece.
5 The tragedy in Shamima’s life could not defeat her spirit. Here spirit means
Here the underlined word means
a ghost.
b soul.
c strength.
d wisdom.
B Read the text again. Now Match the phrases with the meanings.
C Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 What type of village does Shamima live in?
2 What do the people of ‘Bhabanipur’ village usually do?
3 What has Shamima done to make herself extraordinary?
D Write a paragraph about Shamima from your imagination. In your paragraph
write what Shamima should do for the good of her own family as well as the
other families in the village.
54 English For Today
1 day-to-day life unkind happenings in life
2 small jobs become victorious
3 cruel aspects of life everyday life
4 come out as a winner difficulties of life
5 all the odds of life having all the regular features
of a Bangladeshi village.
6 typical Bangladeshi village doing chores
Lesson 2 : Flash back
Key words: stunned admiration adolescent heed
A Read the text.
Shamima started to tell us her story. Listening to her, we were stunned and at the same
time our hearts were filled with admiration for her.
It was 1995. Shamima was 15 years old. She got promoted to class 8. Shamima had
all the dreams of an adolescent. She wanted to bring about a change in her life. She
wanted to see happiness in her family too. She knew she could fulfill her dream by
completing her education and getting a good job.
Fifteen -year old Shamima’s dreams were nipped in the bud. Her father wanted to
marry her off against her will. Marrying off a girl under 18 is against the law in
Bangladesh. Shamima did not want to get married. But nobody paid any heed to her.
They arranged her marriage with a man much older than her. All her tears and protests
went in vain. Shamima was married off to Amirul Islam.
B Choose the best answer.
1 Shamima’s story……… everyone.
a fascinated
b astonished
c shocked
d worried
2 Shamima thought about the welfare of her ..... .
a family.
b friends.
c cousins.
d neighbours.
3 Shamima did not want to get married because she wanted to complete her education
but nobody…… her.
a talked to
b listened to
c took care of
d looked after
Making a difference 55
C Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 How long ago did the writer listen to Shamima’s story?
2 What did Shamima dream of?
3 Did Shamima’s dream come true? What happened?
4 How old is Shamima now?
5 As an adolescent what are your dreams?
D Write about a person who has suffered or struggled like Shamima Use the
following phrases.
􀀀 pay heed to
􀀀 nip in the bud
􀀀 􀀀in vain
Lesson 3 : Ever beautiful Shamima
Key words : outward vow disabled unstitched dignity regret ill-fated product grudge
A Look at the picture. Talk about the picture and read the questions.
1 Who did Shamima work with?
2 What is Shamima’s present dream?
56 English For Today
B Now read the text and ask and answer the above questions.
Shamima’s misery started the day she was married. Her husband was a greedy person
and he used to abuse her verbally and physically. Within a few months into her
marriage she had to leave her husband Amirul Islam.
Now Shamima vows to work with women, who are ill-fated like her. She has 43
female members in her organisation working for her. She trains the members herself
and then provides them with work. She designs fabrics, makes block-print, brushpaint
and hand-embroidered sarees. She also makes three-piece dresses for women,
and fatuas for men. She sells these products in her shop and supplies them outside.
Shamima has a dream now, a dream to do something for the helpless people. She
wants them to feel useful. They can live with self-respect and dignity. With this in
view, she goes out looking for such people.
Shamima finished her story with a smile. Shamima has no complaints, no regrets, no
grudges. All she wants to do is to bring a smile on the faces of those women who are
unfortunate. Shamima wants to become a famous designer.
1 What do you understand by, ‘Her husband could destroy her outward
beauty but not the beauty of her mind.?’
C True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 Shamima’s husband destroyed her.
2 Shamima promised to stand beside the helpless women.
3 She has some trainers to train the women of her organisation.
4 Shamima wants to become a wealthy person to help others.
D Project: Find a person in your locality who has succeeded in the face of
difficulties and write about her/him.
Making a difference 57
Lesson 4: A man who loves trees
Key words : profession sapling passion gigantic mission
A Read the text.
At the farthest corner of Bangladesh there is a village called Tarapur. In this village
there lives a man named Kartik Poramanik. He is a hair dresser by profession, but a
nature lover at heart. His passion is to plant saplings, which grow into gigantic trees.
He started planting trees when he was only 10 years old. He remembers what his
father once told him, " My son, you can earn the blessings of God by planting trees. He
has never forgotten what his father told him. At present he is 63 years old. He has
planted hundreds of trees in his village. Many of the trees are now 35-40 years old.
Once there were hardly any trees in this village. Kartik used to go to different houses
for his job. At times he would get tired in the scorching sun, but there were no trees
under which he could sit and rest for a while. Thinking how people suffer in the heat,
Kartik began his tree planting mission.
Kartik would wake up early in the morning, take one or two labourers with him and
set out to plant trees. He would walk long distances to plant trees, carrying with him
some dry food and water. He would pay all the expenses from his own pocket. Kartik
has planted trees beside the roads, in and around the bazar, schools and colleges, open
fields and many other places.
At times it so happened that Kartik would go to water his plants at 10 or 11 p m.
People asked him, "Kartik, are you mad? What are you doing so late at night?" Kartik
would smile and say, "What to do, sir. I have to work hard the whole day to earn
money for my family. I don't get time during the day. But my trees would die if I don't
water them. So I come late at night to look after them."
Even today this old man continues planting trees as many as he can.
A man, who can hardly sign his name, is leaving his signature all around in nature.
adapted from
The Prothom Alo
December 2, 2003
58 English For Today
B True or false? If false give the correct information.
1 He planted the first tree 50 years ago.
2 Katrik borrowed money from others to plant trees.
3 He would plant trees around his hut only.
4 At times Kartik would water his trees at night because he felt lazy during the day.
C Choose the best answer.
1 Karik was a …………… by profession.
a cultivator
b tree planter
c day labourer
d hair dresser
2 His mission is to make the village green by……………
a cultivating paddy in the fields.
b growing grass in all the fallow land.
c planting fodder for the cattle.
d planting many trees.
3 Some of Kartik’s trees are big and …………….
a great.
b gigantic.
c enormous.
d kingly.
4 Some of his trees are…………… years old.
a 15 - 20
b 25 - 35
c 35 - 40
d 40 - 45
D Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1 Who is Kartik Poramanik?
2 How do you understand that he is a nature lover?
3 Why did he plant trees?
4 What do you understand by the saying: “A man, who can hardly sign his
name, is leaving his signature all around in nature?”
Making a difference 59
Lesson 5: The truthful dove (1)
Key word : shelter grumphy unwillingly generous flattery
A Talk about the picture and read the story of the dove and the bat.
Once upon a time, a dove and a bat were very good friends. One day the two friends
decided to set out on a journey. They flew over the rivers and hills and came to a big
jungle. Both the friends were very tired, they needed to sit down and take a rest. Soon
night fell and it was dark all around. A storm rose. It started to rain heavily. The dove
and the bat started to look for a shelter.
They came upon a century-old rain tree. An owl had his nest in that tree. The dove and
the bat knocked at the owl’s door. The old grumpy owl opened the door. The dove and
the bat requested him to give them shelter. The owl unwillingly let them in. The two
birds were hungry too. They begged for some food. The selfish owl was not happy.
However, he shared his dinner with them. The dove was so tired that she could hardly
eat. But the bat was sly. He ate greedily. He began to praise the owl with the thought
of getting more food. The bat said, "O wise and brave owl, you are the most generous
person I have ever seen.You are powerful and mighty."
The owl was very pleased at the bat’s flattery. He puffed and ruffled himself, trying to
look as wise and brave as possible. Then he turned to the dove and asked, “Now little
dove, what do you think about me?”
60 English For Today
B Now answer the following questions.
1 Who were the two good friends ?
2 What did they decide to do ?
3 Why were they tired ?
4 Why did they look for a shelter ?
5 Where did the dove and the bat come ?
6 Whose nest was there on the tree?
7 Which words tell you that the owl was not good at heart?
8 Why couldn’t the dove eat?
9 Why did the bat praise the owl?
10 Which words pleased the owl?
11 What action of the owl tells you that he wanted to hear more good things
about him?
C Read the story again and make sentences from the table.
D True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 The dove and the bat decided to go for a flying competition.
2 They reached a big jungle.
3 They were afraid because a storm was blowing.
4 The dove and the bat were looking for a place to spend the night.
5 The owl gladly asked the bat and the dove to come in.
6 The owl and the birds ate together.
7 The bat sincerely praised the owl.
E Which words would you use to describe an eagle or a crow?
The dove and the bat
very tired.
to fly over rivers and hills.
to look for a shelter.
very good friends.
Making a difference 61
Lesson 6 : The truthful dove (2)
Key words : wondering insincere speech praise host grateful
A Look at the picture and talk about it.
B Read more about the three birds and write answers to the following questions.
All this time the dove was listening to her friend's false praises. She was wondering
how insincere his praises were. The dove hung her head down and was quiet. The owl
got impatient. He wanted to hear more praises. He looked at the dove and asked,
"Don't you have any good thing to say about me?" The bat joined the owl, "Yes, don't
you have any words of praise for our kind host?" The dove was ashamed of her friend
bat and kept her eyes down. The owl urged the dove, "Come on, say something!"
The dove lifted her head slowly and said, "Master owl, thank you very much for the
shelter you have given me, thank you for the food you have offered me. I will remain
ever grateful for this".
1 What does the word ‘insincere’ mean in the story?
2 Why did the dove think that the bat is insincere?
3 What made the owl impatient?
4 Why was the dove ashamed of her friend?
C True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 The bat was very sincere when he praised the owl.
2 The owl wanted to hear more good things about himself.
3 The dove was very harsh to the owl.
62 English For Today
Lesson 7 : The truthful dove (3)
Key words: gracious noble deserve hospitality ungrateful echo vicious leathery vain
A Look at the picture.
1 What do you see?
2 How do the three birds look?
3 Why do you think they look so?
4 Who looks very happy? Can you guess why?
B Read more about the three birds and find out about their fate.Work in pairs
and write the answers to the questions that follow.
"What?" cried the bat. "Is that all you have to say to our gracious host?" Is he not the
wisest, bravest and most generous of all animals and birds? Have you no praise for his
noble character as well as for his goodness to us? I am ashamed of you! You do not
deserve such hospitality.You do not deserve this shelter."
"You are an ungrateful bird, and the bat is right. You do not deserve this generous
hospitality which I have offered. Get out! Be off, I say!"
"Yes, get lost!" echoed the bat, flapping his leathery wings. And the two heartless
creatures fell upon the poor little dove and drove her out into the dark and stormy
Making a difference 63
But the owl and the bat did not go unpunished for their act of heartlessness. The bat
can never fly in broad daylight. He has to wait for the sun to go down. And do you
know what happened to the vain owl? Well, he is blind as long as the sun is up. He
cannot hunt or feed himself unless it is dark. So the two vicious creatures with their
dark heart live in the dark.
On the other hand, the dove is rewarded for her truthfulness. Her name shall be used
by poets as long as the world lasts to rhyme with “LOVE”.
*Adapted from
The Curious Book of Birds by Abbie Farwell Brown?
1 Why did the bat say that he was ashamed of the dove?
2 Why was the owl angry with the dove?
3 What did the owl and the bat do to the dove?
4 How were the bat and the owl punished at the end?
5 What reward did the dove get?
C Make a list of the words used in the story to describe the three birds.
Owl :
Bat :
D Discuss in groups and write the moral of the story.
64 English For Today
Lesson 8 : The children’s song
A Read and recite the poem.
The children’s song
Land of our Birth, we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be;
When we are grown and take our place
As men and women of our race.
Father in Heaven, Who lovest all,
Oh help Thy children when they call;
That they may build from age to age,
An undefiled heritage.
Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth;
That, in our time, Thy Grace may give
The Truth whereby the Nations live.
Teach us to rule ourselves always,
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That we may bring, if need arise,
No maimed and worthless sacrifice.
Teach us to look, in all our ends,
On Thee for judge, and not our friends
That we, with Thee, may walk uncowed
By fear or favour of the crowed.
Teach us the strength that cannot seek,
By deed or thought, to hurt the weak;
That, under Thee, we may possess
Man’s strength to comfort man’s destress.
Making a difference 65
Teach us Delight in simple things,
And Mirth that had no bitter springs;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And Love to all men, ‘neath the sun!
Land of our Birth, our faith, our pride,
For whose dear sake our fathers died
Head, heart and hand through the years to be!
Rudyard Kipling
Word notes :
pledge : make a promise;
toll : hard work
lovest : love
Thy : Your
undefiled : pure;
heritage : the history, traditions, buildings and qualities that a country has had for
many years and that are an important part of the country's character;
yoke : a piece of wood that holds two oxen together, while ploughing or pulling
a cart;
bear the yoke : shoulder the great responsibility;
B Read the poem silently and answer the questions.
1 What do the children promise to their motherland?
2 What do the children ask God to teach them?
3 Do you like the poem? Why?
66 English For Today
Unit Six
A glimpse of our culture
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
read and understand texts through silent reading
infer meaning from context
ask and answer questions
write answers to questions
write short compositions
Lesson 1: Our folk songs
Key words : folk musical instruments
A Work in pairs. Look at the musical instruments and answer the following
1 Can you sing a song?
2 Can you play any of these musical instruments?
3 Do you know anybody who can play any of these instruments? Tell me
what you know about her/him.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Folk songs are songs sung in the traditional style of a community or country. Here the
traditional style includes the themes, words and tunes of the songs that have existed
for a long time among the common people.
We have a rich history and collection of folk songs in Bangladesh. Of them Palligiti,
Bhatiali, Bhawaiya, Jari, Sari, Gambhira, Lalongiti, Palagaan and songs of Hason
Raja are very popular. The traditional musical instruments are usually played with
these songs.
1 Who usually likes our folk songs?
2 Can you name some well known folk singers?
3 Do you like folk songs? If you do, who is your favourite folk singer?
Which song or songs do you like most?
4 Look at the musical instruments in A above and say which instruments
go well with the folk songs.
5 Discuss in groups whether the modern instruments like the guitar and
the piano could be played with the folk songs.
C Discuss in groups and write a paragraph on the following question.
Do you want more or less programmes on folk songs on our TV channels? Why?
dotara sarinda guitar bamboo flute drum
tabla piano harmonium ek-tara violin
68 English For Today
Lesson 2: Nakshi Kantha
Key words : quilt artistic commercially traditional demand pattern
A Look at the picture and the questions. Then ask and answer the questions with
your partner.
1 What do you see in the picture?
2 What is it called?
3 Have you seen it before? Where?
4 What do we do with it?
B Now read the text to know about nakshi kantha.
Nakshi kantha is a kind of embroidered quilt. The name was taken from the Bengali
word, ‘naksha’ which means artistic pattern. It is a kind of traditional craft and is said
to be indigenous to Bangladesh and West Bengal in India. The art has been practised
in rural Bengal for centuries. The name ‘Nakshi kantha’ became popular after the
poet Jasimuddin’s poem ‘Nakshi kanthar Math’was published in 1929.
Traditional kanthas are made for family use. Old or new cloth and thread are used to
make these quilts. Mymensingh, Jamalpur, Rajshahi, Faridpur, Bogra and Jessore are
most famous for this craft. Now it is produced commercially. You can find them in
many expensive handicraft shops in cities. The quilts are now in great demand because
of the colourful patterns and designs embroidered on them.
A glimpse of our culture 69
C Write a paragraph describing how the nakshi kantha is made. Start like
this: Old or new cloth and coloured thread are needed. First the cloth is
folded, then ......
D Do you like a nakshi kantha or an ordinary kantha? Why?
E Complete the sentences with clues given
Bengali patterns embroidery years fashion art rural designs quilt noksha
1 Naksha means artistic ............... .
2 The name was taken from a .............. word ............... .
3 The art has been practised in .............. Bengal for .............. .
4 Nakshi kanthas are now sold in ............ shops.
5 Nakshi kanthas are in great demand because of their colourful ..............
and .............. .
6 Nakshi kanthas are a kind of ............... .
F Write down five questions for the completed statements in E above.
One is done for you.
1 What does naksha mean ?
G Work in pairs. Ask and answer all the questions. Now write 3-4 more
questions on the text given in B above.
70 English For Today
Lesson 3 : Our ethnic friends (1)
Key words : ethnic region majority minority shifting
A Look at the question and discuss in groups:
Have you heard the word ‘ethnic minority’? Can you tell what it means?
Now look at the pictures. Then discuss the following questions.
1 Do you know where these people live in Bangladesh?
2 What are they called?
B Now read the text.
The ethnic people in Bangladesh hold a very important place in the culture of the country.
The majority of these people live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts. The others live in the regions
of Mymensingh, Rajshahi and Sylhet. They live in forest areas, in the hills and in rural areas.
They practise Jhum cultivation. They clear a piece of land in the forest, prepare it and sow
seeds in it. They are mostly farmers. By religion they are Hindus, Christians or Buddhists.
They speak their own mother tongues. Some of them are the Chakmas, the Marmans, the
Tipperas and the Moorangs who live in the Hill Tracts. The Santals live in Rajshahi. The
Khasias and the Monipuries live in Sylhet and the Hajangs and the Garos in Mymensingh.
C True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 All the ethnic minority of people of our country live in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.
2 Most of them are farmers.
3 They are not a part of the ethnic minority of people of Bangladesh.
4 By religion all of them are Buddhists.
5 The Moorangs are an ethnic minority group.
6 They practise jhum cultivation.
D Ask and answer the questions in pairs.
1 Where do you find the Marmans?
2 What language do they speak at home?
3 Where and how do they do the Jhum cultivation?
A glimpse of our culture 71
Lesson 4: Our ethnic friends (2)
Key words : characteristics communities maize poultry
A Look at the pictures and talk with your partner about them. Then read the text.
Most of these ethnic people living in Bangladesh have some common characteristics.
They have their own lifestyles.
They build their houses on bamboo or wooden platforms called ‘machang’. Rice is
their staple food. They eat vegetables, maize and fish, poultry and meat. Their kitchen
utensils are bamboo, wooden and earthen pots which they make themselves. Men
wear lungis and women wear thamis or sarongs and angis. Women weave their own
Hunting and fishing are their favourite pastimes. They are fond of songs, music, dances,
theatre and fair. Traditional musical instruments used are bugles made from buffalo horns,
drums and bamboo flutes. Wrestling is a popular sport for them.
72 English For Today
B Find the answers from column B to the questions in column A and write them
in complete sentences.
C Complete the paragraph. Use the words below to fill in the gaps. There are
more words than necessary.
lungi sport earthen machang weave wrestling song rice fishing lifestyles
wooden bugle
The tribal people follow their ______________.
The platform they build their houses on is called ____________. Men wear
_____________. Women ____________their own clothes. Their staple food is
____________.They are fond of songs, dance, music, and ______________.
________________ is their favourite sport.
D Imagine you are Sajeed and you have a Marma friend called Masing. Now
write a dialogue asking and answering questions about dress, food, songs,
sports and pastimes of both of you.
1. Where do the ethnic people build
their houses?
2. What are their favorite pastimes?
3. What is a bugle?
4. What do the women wear?
5. What are their kitchen utensils
made of?
6. What is their staple food?
a traditional musical instrument
made from a buffalo horn
clay, bamboo and wood
on the wooden or bamboo platforms
fishing and hunting
thamis or sarongs and angis
A glimpse of our culture 73
Lesson 5 : Bangladeshi cuisine
Key words : cuisine platter molasses
A Look at the pictures and discuss in pairs.
1 What do you see in the pictures?
2 Which foods are seen in the pictures, do you prepare/eat at home?
3 Of the four foods, which one is your favourite? Why?
B Read the text below and answer the following true-false questions.
Bangladeshi cuisine is rich and varied with the use of many spices. We have delicious
and appetizing food, snacks, and sweets.
Boiled rice is our staple food. It is served with a variety of vegetables, curry, lentil
soups, fish and meat. Fish is the main source of protein. Fishes are now cultivated in
ponds. Also we have fresh-water fishes in the lakes and rivers. More than 40 types of
fishes are common. Some of them are carp, rui, katla, magur (catfish), chingri (prawn
or shrimp). Shutki or dried fishes are popular. Hilsa is very popular among the people
of Bangladesh.
Panta ilish is a traditional platter of Panta bhat. It is steamed rice soaked in water and
served with fried hilsha slice, often together with dried fish, pickles, lentil soup, green
chilies and onion. It is a popular dish on the Pohela Boishakh.
The people of Bangladesh are very fond of sweets. Almost all Bangladeshi women
prepare some traditional sweets. ‘Pitha’a type of sweets made from rice flour, sugar
syrup molasses and sometimes milk, is a traditional food loved by the entire
population. During winter Pitha Utsab, meaning pitha festival is organized by
different groups of people.
Sweets are distributed among close relatives when there is good news like births,
weddings, promotions etc.
74 English For Today
Sweets of Bangladesh are mostly milk based. The common ones are roshgulla,
sandesh, rasamalai, gulap jamun, kal jamun and chom-chom. There are hundreds of
different varieties of sweet preparations. Sweets are therefore an important part of the
day-to-day life of Bangladeshi people.
C True or false? If false, give the correct information.
1 Our foods are rich because they have a lot of oil in them.
2 We get protein mostly from fish.
3 On Pohela Boishkh the traditional food is steamed rice and fried hilsha.
4 Pitha Uthsab takes place almost all the year round in Bangladesh.
5 Sweets are not much appreciated by the people of Bangldesh.
D Read the text in B again and answers the following questions.
1 What has made Bangladeshi food so special?
2 Where do we get the fishes from?
3 Apart from fish, what other foods do we eat with rice?
4 Why are sweets an important part of our life?
E Discuss and answer the questions in pairs.
1 Describe a Bangladeshi food that you like best.
2 Make a list of the things you and your partner eat every day.
3 Make two lists of food eaten by the urban and the rural people.
4 Why are there differences between the food eaten by the urban and the
food eaten by the rural people?
F How fast can you say this sentence?
Casual clothes are provisional for leisurely trips across Asia.
A glimpse of our culture 75
Unit Seven
Different people, different occupations
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
read and understand texts through silent reading
listen for information
ask and answer questions
write down the main ideas in our own words
Lesson 1: Pearls! Pearls! Pearls!
Key words : mythology ancient dissolved status unparalleled association delicate
A Look at the pictures and discuss in pairs.
B Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Thousands of years ago, the first pearl was probably discovered while human beings
were searching for food at the sea shore. Throughout history the pearl with its shine
has been one of the most highly valued gems.
Pearls have been mentioned many times in religious texts and mythologies from the
earliest times.
The ancient Egyptians valued pearls so much that they were buried with them. It is
said that, the famous queen of Egypt Cleopatra would dissolve a pearl in a glass and
drink it as a sign of love and respect for the entire nation.
The Greeks thought the pearls as a sign of wealth and social position. The beauty of
pearls was associated with love and marriage.
In ancient Rome, pearls were considered the greatest sign of wealth and social status.
At that time the young women of noble families loved to wear beautiful pearl
necklaces. The brave knights used to wear them in the battles for good luck.
1 Do you think ‘pearls’ were discovered by accident? Why?
2 Why do you think pearls were valued so much in the past?
3 What good luck the knights thought the pearls would bring them?
Different people, different occupations 77
C Read the text in B again and write the information in the table.
Lesson 2: The Ama divers
Key words : rare descend hazardous rely
A Read the text and answer the questions.
Before the beginning of the 20th century, pearls were obtained from pearl oysters.
These oysters were collected from the bottom of the ocean, lake or river.
To get enough pearl oysters, free-divers were often forced to descend to the depth of
more than 100 feet in one breath. Because of the difficulty of diving, pearls at that
time were of different quality as well as very rare.
In Asia some pearl oysters could be found on shoals at a depth of 5–7 feet from the
surface. At times the divers had to go 40 feet or even up to 125 feet deep to find
enough pearl oysters. These deep dives were extremely hazardous to the divers.
1 What is the text about?
2 Where did the people get the pearls from?
Who When/ where
The ancient Egyptians
The Greeks
The ancient Romans
The brave knights
wore pearls
78 English For Today
B Read about the Ama divers of Japan. Discuss in pairs the information that
you have got from the text and answer the questions.
In some fishing villages along the coast of Japan, there are amazing groups of women
known as ‘’. These women worked and are still working as Ama. The word ‘Ama’
means ‘women of the sea or sea women’. They are independent divers. They make
their living by diving. They can dive to the depth of the sea up to 25 metres. And they
dive without using oxygen tanks or other breathing equipment.
The Ama divers rely on their own skills and breathing techniques. They use that skill
and technique to push themselves down to the bottom of the sea and back to the
surface again. They can hold their breath for up to two minutes. Careful watching,
lung capacity and hunter instincts are the special qualities of Ama divers.
However some of these young villagers are going to the city for other jobs. The
remaining Ama divers are now aged between 50 and 60. But there are still some who
continue to dive even at their 70s. If the young people do not take up Ama diving,
soon this profession will die out.
1 Why are the Ama divers amazing?
2 How deep can the Ama divers go down into the sea?
3 What techniques and skills do the Ama divers use in diving?
4 Why do you think the young villagers are going to the city?
Different people, different occupations 79
Lesson 3 : River gypsies in Bangladesh (1)
Key words : gypsy ethnic nomadic roam tarpaulin tents remedy vend heal talisman
A Look at the pictures and discuss with your partner what you see.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
River gypsies are an ethnic group in Bangladesh. They are known as bedey to local
people. The gypsies have their own lifestyle and culture. They live in groups and do
not own any land. Therefore, they live a nomadic life travelling from one place to
another. These people roam across our rivers and waters from May to December in
small country boats. These boats are their houses and these people are a part of our
waters. In winter, many water bodies dry up. At that time they return to the mainland
and live in make-shift tarpaulin tents on open river banks. You can see their men
relaxing in the tents. Toddlers play with dogs or other pets in the dust. Women often
idle away time by hair doing, picking off lice in twos or threes sitting in a row.
80 English For Today
Throughout the monsoon, they remain busy with fishing. They also dive for natural
pearls in waters. Sometimes, they camp for a couple of weeks. Men catch snakes and
entertain people with snake charming and sell herbal cures. Women go from door to
door to sell bangles, cosmetics and other things. They also try to heal pains of old
people often by sucking out blood from their body.
Many villagers believe in the magical power of the gypsies . They can an evil spirit
leave someone’s body by magic or special Powers.
1 Who are river gypsies?
2 How do they live?
3 What do river gypsies do in winter?
4 What do river gypsy men do for a living?
5 What do river gypsy women do for a living?
B Discuss with your partner and circle the right answer.
1 The term ‘ethnic’ is connected with
a people. b plants.
c animals. d fishes.
2 River gypsies roam around on their boats about ........months a year.
a six b seven
c eight d nine
3 River gypsies live in tents in
a summer. b winter.
c monsoon. d spring.
4 The term ‘nomadic’ refers to a person
a living permanently at a place. b travelling from place to place.
c living in one's own house. d living in a rented house.
Different people, different occupations 81
C Listen to the teacher/CD and fill in the following gaps with right word/s.
U7, L3 C Listening text: 6
1 The river gypsies are among the Nation's ---------------- groups.
2 A 2007 report said --------------- percent live below the poverty line.
3 Only 2 percent of gypsy children are given primary ---------- -----------.
4 Most gypsy children travel with their parents for an ---------- 8 months of the year.
5 So, they end up in a cycle of ----------------------.
D In summer vacation last May, Sohan went to Lauhajang in Munshigonj to visit his
maternal uncle. His elder cousin, Jihan studies sociology at Dhaka University. One
afternoon, Jihan took Sohan to a bedey camp to know about their life. They talked to
a middle aged bedey woman who was cooking in front of her tent. Read the
conversation and do the following activity.
Jihan : Good afternoon. Can I ask you a few questions ?
Woman : Good afternoon. Umm….. you see I’m busy cooking. I’ve to feed my son
and then…
Jihan : Well, I won’t take much time. Just a few questions if you please.…
How long have you been here in this camp?
Woman : Four months. Since last January. And if it rains, we’re going to rivers again
next month.
Jihan : What do you do for a living?
Woman : We catch fishes. Our men are snake charmers and we heal toothache and
joint pains of old people.
Jihan : How do you heal people?
Woman : With traditional herbs and healing art.
Jihan : Well, if you don’t mind, how much do you earn?
Woman : Not enough. About 3000 taka per month. Now many people don’t
believe in our remedies. They go to doctors. So we go to remote villages…
Jihan : What about your son? I guess he is already 5. Does he go to school?
Woman : Not yet. But I’ve heard about mobile boat-schools in rivers. I’ll
try to find one for my son.
E Suppose you were with Sohan. Ask the bedey woman some more questions that you
would like to. For example, you can ask questions to know about her family members,
their names, age, work, their past living places, future plans, food habit, etc.
F Have you ever seen any gypsies/bedey/snake charmers or any person selling
things from door to door in your area? Write your experience about any one
of them.
82 English For Today
Lesson 4 : River gipsies in Bangladesh (2)
Key words : survive used to inherit mainstream petty trick integral part
community settle urbanise (v) urban (adj)
A Look at the pictures. Discuss with your partner and say who they are, where
they are, what they are doing, etc.
Different people, different occupations 83
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
River gypsies in Bangladesh are having various problems. First, Bangladesh is
urbanising very rapidly. Gypsy people are losing their customers in urban population.
Hence, their income is threatened. Secondly, 24,000 kilometres of previous waterways
has shrunk into only 6,000 kilometres in the country in dry seasons. Scientists believe
that Bangladesh will be worst affected by global climate change. The unpredictable
rain and drying out of rivers have made boat movement heavily restricted. Thirdly,
many river gypsies are changing their lifestyle in the context of changed reality. They
are thinking of living permanently on land. The authority feels that river gypsies need
help to survive in the mainstream population. Therefore, the government is offering
voting rights, permanent housing and bank loan facilities. However, changes do not
come overnight.
Traditionally, river gypsies are used to water life. They have inherited from their
forefathers necessary life skills to survive in waters. They have no education and
training to adapt to mainstream modern society. So the authority feels the need to
bring them under formal education network. But they have no permanent living place.
Gypsy children are born and brought up on roaming boats. Therefore, they cannot go
to conventional schools. And hence, mobile boat-schools are coming up for gypsy
children. Some voluntary organisations are running special schools on boats to educate
river gypsy children in some areas.
1 What are the main problems that river gypsies are facing?
2 What is the effect of global climate change in Bangladesh?
3 Why are many river gypsies thinking of changing their lifestyle?
4 Why can’t river gypsy children go to conventional schools?
5 Who are running special schools for river gypsy children? Why?
84 English For Today
C Listen to the teacher/CD and tick the best answer.
U7, L5 C Listening text: 7
1 Bedeys catch snakes during the winter/rainy/summer season.
2 Females of the bedey families contribute to the family income/education/health
with petty trades.
3 They sometimes go vending far from home by rickshaw/ on foot/ by cart.
4 Many bedeys have settled near the riverbanks/lakesides/sea shore.
5 Bedeys are an integral part of our history and literature/culture/tradition.
D Imagine there is a boat-school in your area to teach river gypsy children.
Write a short composition about how you can help the gypsy children with
Different people, different occupations 85
Unit Eight
News! News! News!
Learning outcomes
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
ask and answer questions
participate in short dialogues and conversations on familiar topics
read aloud texts with proper sounds, stress and intonation
read and understand text materials
write answers to questions
write simple formal/informal letters
write simple CVs
write short paragraphs
Lesson 1: News! News! News! (1)
Key words : whizz master(v) compute computer-nerd passion monitor database
claim website evidence emigrate gifted
A Look at the following picture. Discuss with your partner what you see in it.
B Read the news report and answer the following questions.
Computer whizz kid eyes record books
A six-year-old boy from Bangladesh is hoping
to become the world's youngest computer
Wasik Farhan-Roopkotha turned six in January
2012. He is hoping his skills will be recognised
by Microsoft and GuinnessWorld Records.
Wasik started to show a talent for computers since early childhood. Before the age of
four, he mastered playing video games and typing in MicrosoftWord.
His mother Cynthia Farhan-Risha said, "I knew he was very different since his birth. I
couldn't believe my eyes when he began computing as a seven-month- old child.
News! News! News! 87
At his local primary school, Wasik was above the average level. So his parents
decided that he should be taught at home.
According to his mother,Wasik's English is still limited. However, he has a few words
to say in Bengali.
"I really enjoy playing on the computer and learning new skills,"Wasik told the BBC.
"My ambition is to be a computer expert at a big computer firm in the future."
Wasik is a computer-nerd. But he still enjoys mixing with other children, playing
football and listening to music. However, computers are his main passion.
Farhan-Risha hopes that Wasik will be mentioned in Guinness World Records. They
have not yet listed anyone as the youngest computer programmer in the world.
GuinnessWorld Records said, "We do not monitor such a record in our database at the
moment. But Wasik's family is welcome to make a claim on our website."(adapted
from The Daily Star)
1 What is the report about?
2 Do you find the story interesting? Why?
3 Wasik’s mother says, "I knew he was very different since his birth”.
Find two/three phrases/sentences that support her statement.
4 What isWasik’s ambition?
5 Do you feel proud ofWasik? Why?
B Complete the following sentences with words/phrases form the box. There are
more words than necessary.
as well as therefore by the way hence however anyway
Wasik is a British national (a) --------------- a Bangladeshi citizen. He was born in
Bangladesh and then his parents emigrated to the UK. He is a minor boy of six. But
he is gifted with an extraordinary talent. He was sent to the local primary school. (b) -
----------, he was above the level of the average students.(c) ----------------, his parents
88 English For Today
decided that he should be taught at home. He is fond of friends and music. But his
main passion is computer. He,(d) --------------- , claims the recognition as the youngest
computer expert of the world. And (e) ----------------, the Guinness authority has asked
his family to make a formal claim.
C A reporter came to interview Wasik. Following is the interview. The
questions are missing. Discuss with your partner and write what they might
be. Then act out in pairs. The first one is done for you.
Reporter : Congrats, Wasik! Guinness authority recognises you as the youngest
computer expert of the world.
Q: How do you feel now?
Wasik : Great! It’s a great feeling. After all, it’s a place in the Guinness
Record Book. I feel proud.
Reporter : ................................................................................?
Wasik : I’ll do my higher education in computer science and start my own
computer firm in future.
Reporter : .................................................................................?
Wasik : Although I’m a British citizen now, originally I’m from Bangladesh.
Reporter : We know, you like your motherland. ..............................................?
Wasik : To be frank, I love my country. And I often visit Bangladesh.
Every year we spend our summer in Bangladesh.
D Now add a few more questions that you, as a reporter, would like to ask
E Write a letter to your cousin aboutWasik’s story.
News! News! News! 89
Lesson 2 : News! News! News! (2)
Key words : bunk off mass people objective bias broadcast refer editorial
informative educative
A Look at the following pictures. Discuss with your partner what you see in
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
'I eat rice every day. I play cricket. I don't bunk off school, blah…blah…blah….' These
are common events. They happen every day or on some occasions. Are these events
news? Should they be published in newspapers? The answer is a big 'NO'. Then what
is news anyway? What do we want to know from the media? 'When a dog bites a man
that is not news, but when a man bites a dog that is news,' says Charles Anderson
90 English For Today
The first thing is that the news should be a piece of information. Secondly, the
information should be recent or new, and hence it is ‘news’. Thirdly, mass people
should take interest in it. Fourthly, it should be self-explained. That is, it should
answer all the questions with who, which, what, where, when, why, and how. Finally,
it should be objective. Recently, another aspect has been added: news is either printed
or broadcast or on the internet.
There are opinions that the term ‘news’ comes from ‘new’. Others say it is news
because it comes from all directions: North, East,West and South.
1 What features should news have?
2 What is the difference between news and an event?
3 ‘……it should be self-explained...’. What does ‘it’ mean here?
4 What are the opinions about the term ‘news’?
5 What must be there in the information in a newspaper?
C Pairwork. Find the following words/phrases in italics in the text in B. Discuss
with your partner and try to guess their meaning from the context. Then
match them with their meanings in the right column. First one is done for
Word/phrasse meaning
bunk off not influenced by personal
media to send out programmes on TV or
objective ways of getting information e.g. Radio,
TV, newspaper, etc
bias stay away/leave school/work without
broadcast unfair feeling or support in favour of
or against somebody or something
News! News! News! 91
D Work in pairs. Suppose, a man in your locality really bites a dog. Imagine you
are a reporter and interview the man. Share with your partner and write the
dialogue. Then act that out in pairs. Use the ‘why, when, what, etc’ questions.
E Look at the following comment.
The advertisement is the most truthful part of a newspaper. ---Thomas Jefferson
Now make similar sentences form the following substitution table.
F Ask and answer with your partner.
1 Do you read any newspaper/magazine?
2 When do you usually read it?
3 Which newspaper/magazine do you read?
4 What makes it different from other newspapers/magazines?
5 Which news items do you like most ---- international affairs, sports,
movie, culture, politics, etc?
6 Do you share your favourite news item/s with your friend/s?
G Write a paragraph on your habit of reading newspapers. You can take your
cues from the questions in section F.
The editorial page the most attractive
The cartoon page the most educative
The sports page the most valuable
The learners’ page
the most interesting
part of a newspaper.
92 English For Today
Lesson 3: News! News! News! (3)
Key words : news item headline overcome challenge vocational survive
boutique forum appreciation award atmosphere profession
A Match the following headlines with the given news items.
1. Hungary gets new
2. 1 in 7 US newspapers now
3. Asia to surpass the West in
wealth by2030
4. IMF rejects call to cut ties
with Iran
5. Suu Kyi joins parliament
News items
The International Monetary Fund
Tuesday rejected a call by a US anti-
Iran group for it to cut its relations
with Tehran's Central Bank in order to
adhere to US and European
Nearly one out of seven newspapers in
the United States is now a digital one,
an industry group said Tuesday…
The Hungarian parliament yesterday
confirmed Janos Ader, a co-founder of
Hungary's ruling Fidezs party and
close ally of Prime minister Viktor
Orban, as the country's new president.
Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi was
sworn in as a member of parliament
yesterday, opening a new chapter in the
Nobel Laureate's near-quarter century
struggle against military rule.
Southeast Asian nations, China and
India together may surpass the US and
Europe combined in terms of wealth
by 2030 if the Asian economies take
quick steps to overcome challenges
and reduce risks, says an ADB
publication in Manila.
News! News! News! 93
B Read the passage and answer the following questions.
With only 2,500 taka in her pocket, Rona Begum began her small business. She also
had a sewing machine from her sister. She attended a six-month vocational training
run by the Department ofYouth Development before that.
Rona’s Utsab Tailors Training and Sales Centre began in 1997.
Fifteen years later, she now owns a small production house of fashion garments.
Traditional items, block print works and embroidery are done at her production house.
“Despite serious trouble in my personal life, I worked very hard to survive,” said
She supported herself by working at three places. At a time she worked at a local
diagnostic centre, at a private medical college, as well as at her own training and
boutique centre. She continued this till 2007.
“At first, I got almost no support from my family. Instead, I faced objections. But I’m
happy now and busy with my business. The atmosphere at home has also changed,”
said Rona.
Ms Rona has just started several more commercial projects with partners. She decided
to expand business earlier. But she did not get support from any bank or financial
institutions. Then she joined the Women Business Forum (WBF), Sylhet and things
started to change. At present, she is the General Secretary of WBF, Sylhet.
In the last 15 years, Rona received much appreciation and a number of awards. Along
with other awards, she received Jatiya Juba Padak in 2012. (adapted from The Daily
1 Do you think the story is news? Why?
2 Where is Rona from? How can you be sure of that?
3 Which fact in the story can be a clue that Rona was educated?
4 What will you mention as the main factor behind Rona’s success?
5 Why could she not expand business earlier?
6 What has Rona started with partners?
7 What has happened to the atmosphere at home?
94 English For Today
C Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and tick the best answer.
U8, L3 C Listening text: 8
1 Rona received the DivisionalYouth Award of Sylhet in 2005/2008/2009.
2 Her stall ‘Utsab’ got the second award/medal/prize at the Meena Mela in Sylhet,
organized by Dhaka Ladies Club in 2006.
3 The Meena Mela in Sylhet was sponsored/arranged/ organized by Dhaka Ladies
4 In 2010 and 2011, Rona trained a group of poor widows/women/workers in a
training programme in Sylhet.
5 Jatiya Juba Padak was awarded in a fashion show/function/workshop in Dhaka.
D Pair work. Discuss with your partner and give a suitable headline to Rona’s
story in section B.
E Imagine you are a reporter. Interview Ms Rona. Ask her to talk about her
struggle and success. Write down and act out the dialogue in pairs.
F Do you know of any man/woman in your locality who got to a high position
from a low position through struggle? Write about his/her story.
Lesson 4 :Walk-in interview! Join the winning team!
Key words : career opportunity maximum negotiable curriculum vitae
electronic media public opinion public relations positive
A Look at the following. Discuss with your partner what you see.
B Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and fill in the blanks with right word/s.
U8, L4 B Listening text: 9
1 Newspaper, radio, TV, etc together are called ------------- --------------.
2 Newspaper belongs to ---------------- --------------------.
News! News! News! 95
3 The media can build up -------------- ----------------- rapidly.
4 Social workers should use the media for ---------------- -------------------.
5 -------------------- is seen as a positive use of the media.
C Discuss in groups and give arguments in favour of or against the use of ads
on TV.
D Look at the following advertisement and answer the following questions.
1 Who is the employer ?
2 Can you type your CV to apply for the job ?
3 Who should you apply to ?
4 Can a candidate without any experience apply ?
5 Can you imagine the size of the photograph you should send with your
application ?
6 When can the candidate know about his/her salary ?
E Suppose you are going to apply for the job advertised in section D. Use the
following model of a CV with your own information. Add at least two more
pieces of information.
Job opportunity
Some healthy, young male and female are
needed for security work . Education : class 8
passed, age : 25 maximum, experience: not
required, salary: negotiable. Apply with
handwritten cv, 1 copy photograph, and
certificate/s within 15 working days from now.
Manager, ABC company Ltd., 36/A/1 Tejgaon,
96 English For Today
Curriculum Vitae
1. Name :
2. Father's name :
3. Mother's name :
4. Mailing address :
5. Date of birth :
6. Nationality :
7. Educational Qualification :
8. Experience :
9. ……….............. :
10.……………… :
F If a computer is available at your school, compose the CV and display it in
your classroom for everyone.
News! News! News! 97
Lesson 5: Apply with your CV
Key words : evening shift practically trainee instructor
A Look at the following picture. Where do you think it is? Discuss with your
partner what you see in it.
B Read the news report. Discuss with your partner and answer the following.
Rumi Akhter Rina, 13, is in class 8 at Prime School in Chittagong. She dreams of
becoming an electrical engineer.
A daughter of a day labourer, she has never believed her dream would come true. She
has never thought she could be an electrical engineer.
But an opportunity came. She took part in a six-month vocational training
programme. And that raised her hopes high.
In the evening shift, she took training in electrical and house wiring at the training
centre. The centre is run by an NGO in Bahaddarhat area of Chittagong city.
After the training, she can now install calling bells, motor connections, tube lights,
electric fans and so on.
The name of the project is "Vocational Skills Training for Urban Working Children in
Bangladesh". Under this project, the NGO provides training to poor children in
Chittagong. The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund or UNICEF
is funding the project.
98 English For Today
The training shows how things can be done practically. Lessons about safety measures
are also given.
The instructors are always present during the practical training sessions as part of
safety measures.
Each trainee is given Tk 50 per day as a tiffin allowance. (adapted from The Daily Star)
1 What did Rumi Akhter dream?
2 Why did she never think she could be an engineer?
3 Which organization is funding the training project?
4 Every child has rights to education, rights to safety, rights to food and
nutrition, etc. Do you think the NGO tries to ensure those rights for the
trainees? How?
C Have you heard of UNICEF before? The basic information on Unicef is given
below. Write a paragraph on UNICEF using the information.
Name United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Old name United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
Established December 1946, immediately after the
end of the Second World War
Headquarters New York, USA
Work zone 190 countries and territories of the world
Main focus • Child survival and development
• Basic education for children and
gender equality
• Children’s rights and protection
News! News! News! 99
D Look at Rumi Akhter’s application below.
Now suppose the same NGO is going to run a Computer Training Project in your
area. Write an application as a trainee. Use an imaginary address of the NGO.
E Rumi got an interview letter from the director of Vocational Skills Training
Project. She appeared on the due date. Following is the interview. Read it
and answer the following questions.
Rumi : Good morning, sir.
Director : Good morning. Please take your seat. What’s your name, please?
Rumi : Thank you, sir. My name is Rumi Akhter.
Director : Well Rumi, where are you from?
Rumi : We are originally from Potia in Chittagong district. But my
family now lives in Bahadderhat.
Director : Your application says you want to register with the evening
batch. Can you just tell us why?
15 June 2011
The Programme Director
Vocational Skills Training Project
30 Shantibagh
Dear Sir
I am Rumi Akhter of class 8 and I go to Prime School. I like your
vocational training course and want to take the training with the next
batch. So I am sending my CV along with this application.
I would request you to register me as a trainee of the evening batch.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely
Rumi Akhter
Class 8
Roll No. 12
Prime School
100 English For Today
Rumi : I attend school on the day shift. So I cannot take the training at
the same time.
Director : So you don’t want to hamper your regular studies. That’s
good… By the way, what’s your future plan?
Rumi : Sir, I want to study engineering in future.
Director : I hope your dream will come true.You are taken with the
evening batch. Good luck!
Rumi : Thank you, sir.
Director : You’re welcome.
1 Where is Rumi Akther from?
2 Why does she want to register with the evening batch?
3 What is her future plan?
4 What do you think about Rumi Akhter’s future plan?
F Pairwork. Suppose you have been called for an interview with the Programme
Director of the computer training project. Discuss with your partner and
write an imaginary dialogue between you and the Director. (Take your cue
from the model shown in section E).
News! News! News! 101
Unit Nine
Things that have changed our life
Learning outcomes
After we have studied this unit, we will be able to
ask and answer questions
participate in short dialogues and conversations on familiar topics
read aloud texts with proper sounds, stress and intonation
read and understand text materials
write answers to questions
write short paragraphs
Lesson 1: The wheel
Key words : circular rotate axis propeller turbine mobility journey (v) vehicle
invention civilisation
A Look at the pictures and say which one is easier to move and why.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Human beings have invented many important things so far. They have brought great
civilization to the world through these inventions. Do you know which invention is the
greatest? It is ‘the wheel’.
A wheel is a circular object. It can rotate around its axis and help easy movement of
things across a surface.
The wheels are, in fact, everywhere. They are on our cars, trains, planes, wagons and
so on. Besides, they are on most factory and farm equipment. Fans, propellers,
turbines are also other types of wheels.
So the wheel is very important. We cannot imagine modern life without wheels. But
do we know exactly who made the first wheel?
Things that have changed our life 103
1 What is a wheel?
2 What can a wheel do?
3 Where can you find wheels?
C Fill in the blanks with appropriate words from the box. There are more
words than necessary.
difficult much circular important heavy first
Although the wheel is a very (a) -------- invention, the history of its origin is unknown.
Experts guess that the first wheel was developed from a circular object. The early man
observed that a huge piece of stone could be rolled easily if it was (b) --------- in
shape. Similarly, a heavy tree-trunk is (c) -------- to carry; but it can be rolled away
with less effort. Even, a gigantic tree-trunk can be moved easily using other small and
round trunks as rollers under it. Thus, early man took advantage of rolling objects and
developed the (d) ------- wheel. Apart from its mechanical advantage, a wheel’s
mobility has contributed (e) ------- to the civilisation.
D Make as many correct sentences as you can using the substitution table. In
the third column there are more items than necessary.
E Have you ever travelled by bus or car? Do you have any experience of what
happens if one wheel falls flat. If yes, give a description of your experience. If
no, imagine such a situation, and write a paragraph about it.
1. The wheel
2. A plain wheel
3. It
4. A propeller
a type of wheel.
around its axis.
one of the simplest
wheels on vehicles and
helped in rapid progress of
104 English For Today
Lesson 2: The history of the wheel
Key words : invent valley ancient further pioneer warfare
A Look at the following pictures of wheels. They existed in different ages in
history. Discuss with your partner and put ordinal numbers under them (in
spelling, such as ‘first’, ‘second’, etc.,) beginning from the earliest to the
modern times.
B Read the following dialogue between the English teacher, Mr Ramis and a
student Rubina.
Mr Ramis : You know that the invention of the wheel has helped to create
a new civilisation. But do you know who first used wheels?
Rubina : No teacher. But I guess it may be the Greeks.
Mr Ramis : The Greeks were pioneers in many things. But in this case,
however, the Mesopotamians were the first. The oldest ever
wheel was discovered in Mesopotamia. It was in 3,500 B.C.
Rubina : Where is Mesopotemia?
Mr Ramis : Well, Mesopotamia was in ancient Iraq. It was along the valley
of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. After the Mesopotamians,
the wheel was further improved by the Egyptians. They first
made wheels with spokes. Then they used them on chariots
around 2000 BC.
Rubina : So the wheel travelled to Egypt from Mesopotamia?
---------------- --------------- ---------------- --------------- ------------
Things that have changed our life 105
Mr Ramis : Exactly. But it travelled eastwards too. Wheels reached the
Indus valley by 3000 B.C. But chariots with spoked wheels
were made in ancient India in around 1500 B.C. They were
used for war, hunting and racing.
Rubina : What about the Greeks,teacher? Didn’t they use wheels?
Mr Ramis : They definitely did. In 1500 BC, the Greeks too learnt the idea
of wheel-making from the Egyptians. They also made further
improvements on it. Later, the Romans did the same too and
produced a variety of wheeled vehicles.
C Read the statements below and say whether they are true or false. If false,
give the right answer.
1 The Greeks were the pioneers in developing spoked-wheels.
2 The earliest wheel was discovered in 2000 B.C.
3 The Egyptians first used wheels on chariots.
4 The Romans first used wheeled chariots for warfare.
5 The ancient Indians used wheels before the ancient Romans did.
D Look at the following map of ancient river-valley civilisations and discuss
their locations in the map with your partner.
106 English For Today
E Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and complete the following sentences with
appropriate words.
U9, L2 D Listening text: 10
1 Shang China lies --------- the far east of India.
2 The Indus and Ganges valley is -------- the middle.
3 The Tigris and Euphrates valley lies -------- the Nile and the Indus- Ganges.
4 The Ganges flows ---------- the north of India.
5 The Bay of Bengal is ---------- the east coast of India.
F Discuss in pairs and make as many ‘wh’ questions as you can from the given
answers below. First one is done for you.
1 i) Where does Mesopotamia lie?
ii) Which countries does Mesopotamia lie between?
Ans. Mesopotamia lies between India and Egypt.
2 .......................................................................?
Ans. The Caspian Sea is on the north of Mesopotamia.
3 ....................................................................?
Ans. The Nile falls into the Mediterranean Sea.
4 ..................................................................?
Ans. The riverYangzi lies to the east of India.
5 ...................................................................?
Ans. The Tigris and Euphrates run on the west of Mesopotamia.
G Write a paragraph on the history of the wheel. Take your cues from the
dialogue in section B.
Things that have changed our life 107
Lesson 3 : The fastest wheel on Earth
Key words : high-speed record-breaking network expand conventional
unconventional magnetic trainset
A Look at the pictures of some of the fastest trains on earth and talk about
them with your partner.
108 English For Today
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
The TGV (Train à Grande Vitesse, meaning high-speed train) is France's high-speed
rail service.
It started in the 1970s. Originally, it was powered by gas turbines. But in 1973, the TGV
was changed into electric trains. The TGV service first started between Paris and Lyon in
1981. Later, the network connected other cities in France with Paris.
A TGV test train set the world record for the fastest conventional wheeled train on 3
April 2007. It reached the speed of 574.8 km/h (357.2 m/h) on the test run. But the
regular TGV trains operate at the highest speed of 320 km/h (200 m/h). It is the
present world record of speed of a conventional commercial train.
The Bullet Train
The Bullet Train is the network of high-speed train service in Japan. It started
operation in 1964 on a limited route. But at present, most major cities of Japan come
under the network.
The Bullet Train runs at a maximum speeds of 300 km/h (186 m/h). It plans to
increase speeds up to 320 km/h (199 mph). In 2003, Japan set the world record for
unconventional magnetic trainsets. In a test run, the speed was 581 km/h (361 mph).
But it is not yet in regular commercial operation.
The High-speed Rail
The High-speed Rail service in China started operation on April 18, 2007. Currently
China has started building a high-speed passenger rail network. It will be similar to
French TGV or Japanese Bullet Trains. The usual top speed of China’s conventional
quick trains is 300 km/h (186 mph).
Recently China has set the world record of a speed of 487.3 km/h (303 mph). In 2011,
this record was set by an unconventional magnetic trainset called the “Harmony
Express”. This is the highest speed of an unconventional magnetic trainset in regular
commercial operation.
Things that have changed our life 109
C Read the above text in section B again. Now discuss with your partner to fill
in the blank slots in the following grid with the information about high-speed
D Discuss in groups to decide which of the above three rail services you like
best and why. Finally write a paragraph and present it in the class.
Name of
Name of
Year of
Top speed
Top speed of
record for
110 English For Today
E Pair work. Read the basic information about Bangladesh Railway below.
Share with your partner and write a composition using the information.
Name: Bangladesh Railway
Headquarters: Dhaka
Zones: Eastern andWestern
Numbers of stations: 459; number of engines: 284; number of passenger
carriages: 1,245; number of wagons:1,2948
Total length of railroad: 2,855 kilometres; passengers transported annually: 42
million; total number of employees: 34,168
Nature of present operations: international (Dhaka-Kolkata); inter-city; local
F Work in pair. Imagine your partner is a railway official and you are a
reporter. You asked questions and the official gave the above information
(section E) in answers. Discuss and write what the questions might be.
For example:
1 What is the official name of our rail service?
2 Where is the headquarters of Bangladesh Railway?
Now continue…
1 . ………………………………………………….?
2 ……………………………………………………?
3 …………………………………………………….?
4 …………………………………………………….?
5 ……………………………………….….......……?
6 ……………………………………….….......……?
Things that have changed our life 111
Lesson 4: Taking off
Key words: endeavor supersonic speed revolution aviation ads website
neither ground (v) sky’s the limit
A Look at the picture and discuss with your partner what it is and where you
can find it.
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Human beings conquered the distance on earth by discovering wheels. They
endeavored further. Then on December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers in America
made the first experiment of flying in a plane. In the experiment, a machine carried a
man and rose above by its own power. The machine was called ‘aka airplane’. It flew
naturally in a smooth speed, and finally landed without damage. That was human
being’s first real take-off. And now, they have got a supersonic speed. In a supersonic
speed, something travels faster than sound! So the sky’s the limit now!
Modern aircraft companies are making revolutions in aviation technology. Boeing as
well as Airbus is producing modern passenger airplanes. These planes fly very fast.
Boeing 787 flies 950 km/h. However, Airbus 350 is expected to fly in a couple of
years. Its speed will be 945 km/h.
You find attractive ads on the websites of both Boeing and Airbus planes. Both have
excellent features. But in speed, neither could beat the Concorde. It is the world’s fastest
112 English For Today
supersonic passenger aircraft. Its normal speed was 2,170 km/h. The Concorde was a
joint project by France and Britain. It started passenger flight in 1976. Unfortunately,
the Concorde fleet was grounded for ever in 2003 after a major accident.
1 Who made the first successful experiment in flying an airplane?
2 What was the first flying machine called?
3 What do you mean by ‘supersonic’?
4 What was world’s fastest passenger airplane?
5 When was Concorde fleet finally grounded?
6 When is Airbus 350 expected to take off?
Things that have changed our life 113
Note: The speed of sound, which is approximately 760 miles per hour is called 1
Mach. An airplane flying less than 1 Mach or less than 760 miles per hour is
traveling at a subsonic speed. Faster than 1 Mach or 760 miles per hour would be
a supersonic speed.
D Read the dialogue between the English teacher Mr Ramis and Sohan. Then
answer the following questions.
Sohan : Teacher, in the last class we read about modern aircraft. There
were Boeing 787s, Airbus 350s, Concorde and so on. But
which one is the best? Which one can we buy for our Biman
Bangladesh Airlines?
Mr Ramis : A difficult question. There are certain things to consider. If you
think of speed, Concorde flies the fastest. To many, it looks the
most beautiful. But it’s no more in operation.
Sohan : Between the other two aircraft?
Mr Ramis : Well, if you remember, Boeing 787 travels 950 km/h. So you
see, it’s not as fast as Concorde. But it’s faster than Airbus 350.
Sohan : Yes teacher. I remember Airbus 350 travels 945 km/h. It’s 5 km
shorter than Boeing 787.
Mr Ramis : Nice calculation! But there are other factors too. Say,
passenger capacity, production cost and many more. Airbus
380 now is the largest and can carry more passengers than any
other aircraft. Authorities have to consider so many...
Sohan : Yes teacher. I understand.
Complete these statements using the correct form of words in the brackets.
1 Airbus 350 is a bit .............. (slow) than Boeing 787.
2 Concorde flew the ............... (fast) among all passenger aircrafts.
3 Even sound cannot travel as ................... (fast) as Concorde.
4 In supersonic speeds, Concorde flies ................... (high) in the sky than
114 English For Today
5 To many, Concorde looks ..................................... (beautiful) than other
passenger aircrafts.
6 Airbus A380 is the ………….........……. (large) passanger aircraft in the
world now.
7 Airbus A380 can carry ………............………… (many) passengers than
Boeing 787.
E ProjectWork:Work in groups. Suppose, your teacher will buy a mobile hand
set. Visit in pairs a nearby mobile phone shop. Make a list of different models
of handset with their price and other features. Then discuss with your
partner to compare and decide which one will be the best hand set and why.
Share your findings with other groups.
Lesson 5: Future aircraft
Key words : withstand space base launch detach monitor hypersonic
research melting point
A Look at the pictures and say what they are. Discuss with your partner.
B Read the news report adapted from the Guardian.
The Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2 (Falcon HTV-2) is the fastest plane ever
built by human beings. It would fly from London to Sydney in less than an hour.
Supersonic Concorde, by the way, could not fly at such a great speed. At the same
time it would withstand temperatures of almost 2,000 degree C. This temperature is
hotter than the melting point of steel.
Things that have changed our life 115
The US Defense Agency will launch the Falcon HTV-2. First, they will set it on the
back of a rocket. Then they will launch both into the space from an Air Force Base.
The plan goes like this: engineers will launch the Falcon HTV-2 into the space on the
back of a rocket; then they will detach the plane from the rocket; the plane Falcon will
fly towards the Earth; engineers will guide and monitor it in its flight. The plane
would fly in hypersonic speeds of 13,000 mp/h. This speed is about 20 times the
speed of sound.
The Falcon was born in 2003. It was born as part of a US military project. The project
researched and built a special type of plane. The researchers wanted that the plane
could reach any part of the world in less than an hour. They also wanted to use it for
any purposes, military or civil. The plane was already tested in computer models.
The Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle-2 would be mankind’s dream aircraft in
the days to come.
1 What is HTV-2?
2 What is the speed of HTV-2?
3 Describe the steps of HTV-2 test flight.
4 Why was the HTV-2 developed?
5 Do you think that HTV-2 will be ‘mankind’s dream aircraft’? Why do
you think so?
C Imagine you are a TV reporter. You have come to interview the chief engineer
of the HTV-2 Launch Project. What questions will you ask him/her? Design a
short dialogue between yourself and the engineer, and write it. Finally act it
out in pairs.
D Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and complete the following sentences with
appropriate words.
U9, L5 D Listening text: 11
116 English For Today
1 Thursday's flight will test another -------------------- of the aircraft.
2 The plane is made of ---------------- composite materials.
3 The plane will fly in ------------------- speeds.
4 In the flight, the body ------------------- of the plane could reach 2,000
degree Celsius.
5 --------------- will melt at 2000 degree Celsius.
E The following passage is based on the information in section B. Read the text
in B again. Discuss in pairs and complete the following sentences with
will/would, can/could/could not.
Even Concord --------------------- fly as fast as Falcon HTV-2. The news report says:
the US Defense Agency ----------------- launch the Falcon Hypersonic Technology
Vehicle-2 into space. Scientists expect that the Falcon HTV-2 ------------------- fly at
13,000 miles per hour. The US military wishes that the Falcon ------------------- bomb
any part of the world in less than an hour in the future. Engineers plan that they -------
--------- set the Falcon on the back of a rocket to launch it into the distant space.
F Have you ever dreamt of flying? If yes, write about your dream.
If no, try to imagine you are flying in a plane. Write about your experience.
If you fly westward in a supersonic plane such as Concorde, you will land several
hours before you took off. Can you explain how?
Lesson 6 : Paper has advanced our life
Key words : record paper surface of stone bark encyclopedia wood
plunk digital
A Look at the picture and say what this is. Discuss with your partner.
Things that have changed our life 117
B Read the text and answer the following questions.
Communication of ideas is at the centre of civilisation. It needs written records. Most
of our records in the modern age are on paper. Though writing was invented very
early, paper is a more modern invention.
For long in history, people transferred ideas through speaking and listening. Then
there came the art of writing. But to record thoughts in writing was difficult. Writing
material was not available. People used surface of stone, metal, wood, bark, leaves,
etc. for writing. Those things were not easy to carry. Then for ages, people looked for
easy writing materials. Finally, Paper was invented in China in 105 AD.
Before paper age, knowledge was very restricted. Can you think of that time? There
were very few books in the world. Maybe, they were written on stone or on heavy
wood plunks or on metal sheets. Suppose, one page was a heavy stone block. So think
of a hundred page book! In our age, you can carry the entire world of knowledge in
digital form in your laptop bag. You can even carry a huge volume of paper
encyclopedia. But who could produce and carry tons of heavy stone books and
documents in those paperless days? In fact, paper has made publication and the spread
of knowledge and information easy. So you can see how paper has changed our life.
1 How did people transfer ideas before writing was invented?
2 Why did people look for easy writing materials?
3 Why was knowledge very restricted in pre-paper age?
4 Do you think paper has changed our life? Explain why your answer is
‘yes’ or ‘no’.
5 Where was paper invented and when?
C Discuss with your partner and make a list of things other than paper on which
we can write in pens, pencils, markers, brushes, paint/pastels etc.
D Listen to the teacher/CD carefully and complete the following sentences.
U9, L6 D Listening text: 12
1 The person who invented paper is a ----------------- man.
2 He took the bark of a mulberry tree and ---------------- fibers.
3 This knowledge of --------------------- was first used in China.
4 The word ‘paper’ is not ------------------------ .
5 The word ‘paper’was derived from a kind of Egyptian plant called ------
118 English For Today
E Look at the following boxes first. Listen to the teacher/CD again. Then write
in the boxes the series of works Ts’ai Lun’ did in making paper. First one and
the last one are done for you.
1. He took the bark of Mulberry tree and bamboo fibre.
2. He mixed them ............................
3. He pounded ................................
4. He poured the mixture ............................
5. He let the water.............................................. .
6. He let the thing dry.
F PROJECT WORK: On weekend, observe how ruti or paratah is made in the
kitchen. Carefully take notes of each step taken to make it. Then back in
class, share your notes with your partner/group. Finally write how ruti or
paratah is made and make a presentation in the class.
Lesson 7: Contemplation
A Look at the picture and discuss in groups these questions:
1 Why is the boy up in the tree?
2 What is he looking at?
3 Guess what he is thinking about.
B Read the poem and answer the above questions.
Things that have changed our life 119
For days and days I’ve climbed a tree
A dappled yellow tree
And gazed abroad at many things
I’ve always wished to see.
I see the green and gentle fields
All bounded in with hedge
And shining rivers swimming through
The rushes on the edge,
And little sheep who play all day
I watch them as they run,
While far away the roofs of town
Are shining in the sun.
I think it’s very nice to sit
So high and look so far----
How very large the world can be!
How many things there are!
John Carpenter
dappled yellow tree - spotted yellow tree (the leaves may be yellow)
gazed abroad - looked around
bounded - surrounded
hedge - a thick row of bushes
swimming through - (the river like a person is swimming through) flowing through
rushes - tall plants that grow on the river's edge
C Ask and answer these questions.
1 Where do you think the tree was?
2 What were the four things the poet could see from the tree?
3 Have you ever climbed a tree? If yes, what did you do it for? If not, why?
120 English For Today

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