Monday 11 February 2013

Tense Change

English 2nd Paper Class: VIII 1. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. We had a cow. We called it Dhabali. She was white in colour. Dhabali gave us milk. My mother milked her. We drank milk everyday. Dhabali gave birth a calf. Everybody of our family liked Dhabali. 2. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Once there was a farmer in a village. He possessed a few plots of land. But he did not plough them well. He did not sow seeds in time. So, he could not raise good crops. As a result, he was always in want of food. The farmer had a kitchen garden near his house. One day he saw that the fencing round the garden was broken. 3. Rewrite the following passage in the future Tense. I was fifteen on 10 January 1995. I was busy all day long. I cleaned our house well and decorated the house nicely. The house wore a festive look. We ordered a birthday cake. My father bought a fine new dress for me. My brother ordered a big cake. By 4 O’clock everybody arrived. I welcomed them cordially. 4. Rewrite the following passage in the future Tense. Rafiq’s father was a farmer. Rafiq helped his father in his work. His grandfather was a very old man, but he helped Rafiq’s father too. Rafiq talked with his grandfather about many things. He wanted to know from his grandfather reason of their becoming poor. 5. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Kamal can not do well in his examination. He tries to memorize answers when the exam is near at hand. On the other hand, Hasan always makes a good result because he makes notes himself, memorizes them and writes them again and again. He has good command over advice how to make a good result in the examination. 6. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Eewanna is Amina’s pen friend. She is an Australian girl. She writes to Amina. In the letter she writes about her family and the Australian people. She describes the profession of her parents. Nihar Jewel English (MCC) Mobile: 01710506975 7. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Babul lived in a village of Bangladesh. He was a school boy. There was a canal on his way to school. An old bridge was over that canal. It was useful to one and all of the villagers. Yet none cared for its repair. So one day it broke down and caused a good deal of hardship to the villagers. 8. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. My father took me to the Headmaster’s room. The headmaster asked me my name and I told him. Then he pointed to a letter chart and asked me to say some letters. I could say them all. My mother taught me to read Bengali and English letters and some easy words at home. The Headmaster was pleased. He put his hand on my shoulder and said that you had done very well. 9. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. One day a cock found some meat on the ground under a tree. It took the meat in its mouth and flew up into the tree. There it could eat the meat safely. A fox wanted the meat but could not climb the tree. 10. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Mrs. Kamal told her class a story. He read a very interesting book. It was about a man called Nasruddin. Nasruddin got up early and walked to the school. The teacher and students were very happy to see him. They asked him to come in and sit down. So Nasruddin went in and sat down. 11. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Anwer Hussain is Sabina’s grandfather. He is a very active person. He tells good stories and is a good friend to his grandchildren. He is very helpful and does many things for the family. He helps his son, Mohammad Ali, in the fields. He also goes fishing almost everyday with his net or rod and line. Every ‘hat day’ he goes shopping too. 12. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. There lived a young man called Ruplal. He lived with his family and worked on a farm, but he didn’t like it there. It was a beautiful place, but there were a lot of problems. The village people were always quarrelling, so there was no peace. So he collected his things and went to live by himself in the jungle. 13. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Mr. Jamal, head master of our school teaches us English. He has a strong, clear and pleasant voice. He can make any grammatical problem easy. He knows well how to increase the curiosity of the students. He speaks English with a foreign accent. 14. Rewrite the following passage in the present Tense. Rafiq was the son of a farmer. He used to help his father in the fields. His grandfather became old. Yet he helped Rafiq’s father. Rafiq discussed various things with his grandfather. He showed his grandfather the letter written by Endon. He told his grandfather that they were rich. 15. Rewrite the following passage in the Past Tense. Today is Wednesday at Nurpur High School and Class 8 are enjoying their English lesson with Mrs. Ayesha Amin. English is taught early on Wednesday, so everyone is feeling fresh. Now the students are telling Mrs Amin about their experiences. Sarah is feeling very upset and wants to tell Mrs Amin about something. 16. Rewrite the following passage in the future Tense. An honest man is true to his word. He doesn’t deviate from the path of honesty. He knows that true peace consists in honesty. So he does not fall victim to any greed. He has no ambition for worldly things. 17. Rewrite the following passage in the future Tense. The prize giving ceremony of our school was held on the 25th February. We decorated the school building nicely. The chief guest arrived at 9.30am. He was received cordially. The chief guest inaugurated the function at 10am. 18. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. There lived a farmer in a certain village. He was old and weak but clever. He had two sons. They were young and strong but lazy. One day the old farmer called his sons to his bed. He said that he had grown very old and sick and he might die at any time. But he was rich. So they could also be rich. 19. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Nafis was a good boy. He was as modest as meritorious. He studied attentively and took part in all kinds of games and sports. He possessed a sound health. He wished to serve the country. 20. Rewrite the following passage in the Present Tense. Mr. Grasshopper was very lazy. They lived in the same village. Mr. Ant was a very serious person who had to do hard work. He got up very early in the morning. He ate a small breakfast and they started working on his farm.

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