Tuesday 12 February 2013

Transformation of Sentences

Transformation of Sentences:
1.       Honesty is a great virtue.
2.       If you are honest, you will always be trusted.
3.       None can receive any reward unless he works hard.
4.       It is too poor to write.
5.       We should read books to gain knowledge.
6.       If we   read books, we can enrich our mind.
7.       The roast looked so delicious that the cook couldn’t resist the temptation.
8.       Corruption lies in every phase of our society.
9.       During his life time, he spent money lavishly to help the poor.
10.   I remember my honorable teachers.
11.   The postman is a familiar figure.
12.   Every day we see him when he goes in a khaki dress.
13.    Though he is a low paid employee, his responsibility is great.
14.   She saw a young man playing on his flute.
15.   There is a large flower garden in front of the school.
16.   Though cricket is a costly game, people of all classed enjoy playing it.
17.   A fool was sitting by the side of a village road.
18.   Seeing the strange appearance of the fool, he asked him about the reason of his action.
19.   The minister then asked what his occupation was.
20.   During the rainy season it assumes a terrible shape.
21.   Selling these mangoes, people earn a lot of money.
22.   Mangoes are ripe in the summer.
23.   But today many of them lead a very miserable life.
24.   If we take proper steps, their condition may improve.
25.   He wants to be a doctor to serve people.
26.   Truthfulness may lead the whole world to peace and happiness.
27.   The heart is formed for love and cannot be happy without the opportunity of giving and receiving love.
28.    The Creator has blessed him with conscience to differentiate the right path from the wrong one.
29.   My brother was honest for which he was rewarded.
30.   Being honest, everybody trusted him.  
31.   As love is divine, everybody wants love.
32.   The morning breeze is refreshing and it cools our brain.
33.   People who work in the office usually walk in the morning.
34.   The National Memorial which is situated at Savar, is a symbol of the nation’s respect.
35.   Standing in front of the graves we bow down our heads.

36.   Reading bad things influence your mind in a bad way.
37.    We have to be educated in order to serve the nation.
38.   Our Parliament House at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in Dhaka is a triumph of modern architecture and technology.
39.     Flood is caused by sudden increase of river.
40.    Some TV channels present unpleasant programmes.
41.   Watching violent movies young people become violent.
42.   There are a good number of reasons why the students in Bangladesh fail in English.
43.   Students seek the chance to cross barriers of examinations.
44.   Unfortunately, this has become very accepted in our society.
45.    If you help me, I shall help you.
46.   I don’t know how to swim.
47.   He is too lazy to shine in life.
48.   He succeeded unexpected.
49.   Everybody knows that he is honest.
50.   He acted crazy.
51.   I have nowhere to sit.
52.   There is no place where I can sit.
53.   I am sure that he will arrive.
54.   I know the cause of his absence.
55.   Despite my willingness, I couldn’t join the party.
56.   He suggested that I should go there.
57.   Tell me the location of the hospital.
58.   He insisted that I should join the meeting.
59.   The lost moment is lost forever.
60.   I read them for pleasure.
61.   I read them so that I may get pleasure.
62.   He declared his innocence.
63.   Besides making a promise, he kept it.
64.   I am glad that you have succeeded.
65.   Let them do this or they will die.
66.   As soon as he reached home, he went to his mother.
67.   Make haste or else you will be late.
68.   The meeting being over, we went back home.
69.   I saw him going to the field.
70.   He confessed his crime.
71.   His silence proves his guilt.
72.   Only Indians are admitted.
73.   I am certain you have made a mistake.
74.   He may be at home and in that case I shall see him.
75.   He lost more than he could afford.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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