Tuesday 12 February 2013


Fill in the gaps of the sentence with correct prepositions: 1. He lives ------------Azimpur ----------Dhaka. 2. The students are -----------the room. 3. Water changes -------------vapour. 4. I shall meet you --------5 O’clock ---------Sunday---------January. 5. Mr. Babu will come-----------a month. 6. They entered -------------the room. 7. We will finish the work------------a month. 8. The Sundarbans is ---------the south ----------the country. 9. Dhaka is ----------the Buriganga. 10. His father died --------- two months. 11. Sakib and Mashrafi live------------ Mohamadpur ------Dhaka. 12. The cricketers are ----------the room of this building. 13. Ice changes -------------water. 14. Obama met Dipu Moni --------8 O’Clock -----Friday----------September. 15. The snake entered ------3 months. 16. Saint Martin is ------------the south –east ----------the country. 17. Sylhet is ---------------the Surma. 18. The terror died ------------two months. 19. It has been raining --------------morning. 20. It has been raining ---------------two hours. 21. Divide the mangoes ----------- the two boys. 22. Divide the mangoes ----------------the three boys. 23. The book is ----------the table. 24. The sky is ------------us. 25. He faced ----------------me. 26. He looked ------------the picture. 27. I told you everything ------------- this matter. 28. The train is --------to start. 29. Rice sells -----------taka 20 per kg. 30. They ran --------the thief. 31. ------------ all he is a good man. 32. The shirt is -------my choice. 33. He kept the bag ---------------the wall. 34. He is swimming -----------------the current. 35. He sat --------------me. 36. What is the time ----------------your watch? 37. He swore ------------Allah. 38. Our classroom is 40 feet --------30 feet. 39. He fell ----------me. 40. You are ----------time. 41. He stood -----------------me. 42. He acted --------------me. 43. He left ----------------home. 44. He has returned --------------abroad. 45. I live ------------Dhaka. 46. Here is some water------------the dog. 47. He is not ---------------good health. 48. He comes ------------- a respectable family. 49. Do you know anything ------------this? 50. It is the car-----------my uncle. 51. The house is made ---------------brick. 52. He is devoid-------------- courtesy. 53. The tree is -------------fruits. 54. He wrote an essay ---------------jute. 55. I congratulated him -----------his success. 56. He met me------------Monday. 57. I acted ------------- my teacher’s advice. 58. Have you ever been -----------a bus? 59. Have you ever been ------------India? 60. Have you ever been ------------- a truck? 61. Have you ever been --------------an airplane? 62. Have you ever listened ------------ the radio? 63. Have you ever been ------------- the cinema? 64. The Secretary discussed the matter------------------length. 65. The train came -----------length. 66. The boy was taken --------------- task for his bad behavior. 67. All his hopes were nipped -------------- the bud at his father’s death. 68. Over work has told-----------his health. 69. I went to Dhaka with a view -----------meeting my friend. 70. Why are you running------------and fro? 71. I caught sight ---------------------him at the theater. 72. Paternal property is the bone ------------contention between the two brothers. 73. Do not put ------------your lesson for tomorrow. 74. A.K Fazlul Haq had a wonderful Gift----the gab. 75. Last -----all we should emphasize on learning English. 76. First -----------all government is trying to raise public awareness. 77. First -------- all you should learn English to go abroad. 78. If you want to be successful, you can not study -------------fits and starts. 79. He walked 15 miles ------------- a stretch. 80. A closefisted man spend nothing ------------others. 81. Cows are -----------large in a village. 82. Birds fly in the sky -------------large. 83. I worked hard ------------ order to pass the examination. 84. All the criminals have been brought-------- others. 85. Tell the incident ----------- a nutshell. 86. I have run --------debt by buying a car. 87. He felt like a fish ------------of water at that time. 88. He has a good deal -------------- money. 89. Suddenly our car ran out --------------- petrol yesterday. 90. Rahim is very popular --------------his friends. 91. Try to keep pace ------------ the changing world. 92. There is a big tree ------------- front of our school. 93. All his attempts were ------------vain. 94. The boy is wicked -----------the backbone. 95. Ten --------one my father will come home today? 96. Have you ever fallen ----------the horns of a dilemma? 97. If you do not read, your future will end ----------smoke. 98. The Head master is all ---------all of the school. 99. We started off but returned --------and by. 100. The soldiers were beyond doubt that their leader would come -----------long. 101. I shall try to come back ------------long. 102. I have skimmed ………………the composition. 103. He took History -------------lieu of Logic. 104. You should be -----------and doing in your work. 105. He comes -----------the guise of a beggar. 106. We supported him ------------a body. 107. I want the document ------------- black and white. 108. I must do the work ---------any rate. 109. Please put ---------the light. 110. The boy is good -----------nothing., don’t give him any work. 111. The people of Bangladesh live------rice. 112. By the -------------, I shall narrate the story in brief. 113. He comes to our house few and far. 114. I can not put up ----------- such an insult. 115. Try to put up ----------- the present situation. 116. He is at home------------ English. 117. I am feeing -------------home here in Cox’s Bazar. 118. Please take ---------those dirty dishes. 119. Why do you always try to fight shy -------------me? 120. We should get rid------------ false friends. 121. The village is cut ----------from city. 122. He has cut ------------his long hair. 123. Rabindronath was a philosophy and ---------all a great poet. 124. He is likely to fall -----------danger. 125. He is well ----------in English. 126. Nipa takes ----------- her mother. 127. He has improved step --------step. 128. The two brothers were ----------- daggers drawn. 129. The price of everyday commodities is increasing----------leaps and bounds. 130. He never goes ------------his text book. 131. The poor live ---------- hand to mouth. 132. We left the city ---------- the eve of World war. 133. The police came here -----------the sly. 134. All people are equal ---------the eye of law. 135. I read ten of Nazrul’s poems ---------- a row. 136. This fashion is no more ----------vogue. 137. The news came to me as a bolt ------------the blue. 138. He is -----------head and ear in debt. 139. Always bear ----------mind that slow and steady wins the race. 140. Now a days I am hard ----------- . 141. Karim left the country ----------- good. 142. If you do so, you may have to suffer----------the long run. 143. Sonia came ---------a bag on the street yesterday. 144. He comes to my house -----------and on. 145. I am carrying ---------------my job. 146. I never learn my lesson--------rote. 147. Day ---------day he is becoming fat. 148. He passed me ……………….. 149. The production of paddy will seriously drop -----------for drought. 150. Take ---------your shoes when you enter a mosque. 151. I was kept ----------- dark about the news 152. Put -------- your fine clothes. 153. The secret was brought --------light. 154. I can not make ----------- what you say. 155. Morning walk is conducive ----------our health. 156. The student who spends his time -------nothing must suffer. 157. It was a hard nut ------ creak for me to get GPA 5.00 158. They carry ------ their business even after incurring loss. 159. My business is ------------ full swing. 160. Tzipi Livni decided to have Palestine ------ hook or crook. 161. On account -------------- his illness, he joined the meeting. 162. The fan is now ------------- of order. 163. At last he got ----------- the problem. 164. He is good ------------- Mathematics. 165. At present we find various means of transport ------our country. 166. All --------- once he called us from back. 167. He is out and ----------- an impudent. 168. The books on the table are ------------- sixes and sevens.

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